Today My Life Begins

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3 months Later.

"Billy, it's been a long time coming but I'm so proud of your progress. You came right in and we got to work on the things that were troubling you. What would you say you've learned the most."

"I've learned that my response to trauma was to try to control life so it couldn't hurt me anymore. I've learned that although that response was human, it wasn't healthy. I was trying to control everything and I hurt my daughter and my future son in-law in the process."

"And how was the CBT for you?"

"I think it's helped a lot practicing traumatic situations and seeing my response to them. I know that there are better ways to handle things now and to talk it out."

"Do you have any questions for me?" Dr. Brown inquires.

"Will I be able to keep going to therapy although we've worked through a lot already?"

"Of course. We can have stand in check ins each week or each month however you want to set that up. Remember, we are proud of you. I'm sure your wife and child are looking down and smiling."

"You know I wonder if it would have been a boy. I would have loved for him to play football like me. But then again whatever he wanted to do I would have supported that.

You know, when Liv was younger she played soccer, but with her now pursuing school counseling, I can see that as a great fit for her. All the kids in the neighborhood would come to her for advice. She just has a calming spirit."

"Have you ever expressed this to your daughter ?"

"Yeah, yea I just spoke with her over the weekend. Tomorrow's the Super Bowl and her fiancé is playing."

"Oooh what team?"

"He's on the Green Bay packers with Aaron Rodgers and company. They picked up Odell Beckham to go along side Spencer. I'm pretty sure they are a shoe in to win. To see Spencer win in his rookie year would be amazing."

"You really care about him don't you."

"Yeah, he was the first person on my team of guys to ever talk real with me. Other guys either kept it strictly business or was trying to kiss up to me for more playing time."

"Speaking of team, have you given anymore thought to going back to coaching?" Dr. Brown couldn't lie, she was a huge Billy Baker fan but because of her commitment to professionalism he would never know.

Billy sits back in the chair a moment. Wrinkles appear as he scrunches his eyebrows in thought.

"My suspension ends this upcoming weekend. The Bears already let me know they want to move forward with another coach. I think I'm gonna hang it up. I have enough retirement savings and investments I can just travel the world and make time to be a better father."

"I love that for you. Maybe you will even find love again."

"I'm not ruling that out, but it won't be my main focus as of now."

"Indeed. Well Billy I think that's our time for today. As always, remember to be kind to yourself and others and think about what you're thinking about. Peace my friend." Dr. Brown smiles and closes up her notepad and file and walks out of the office with Billy.


Olivia had finessed her way into the players' locker room as they prepared for the biggest game of the season. Once Spencer was back on the field, he picked back up where he left off smashing records left and right.

He was named NFL MVP, NFL rookie of the year and he had his eyes on the Super Bowl trophy next. Every sports blog, station, and channel said this year alone made him Hall of Fame caliber. Green Bay had made the right decision trading for him.

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