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A month later

"Offense, let's run one more snap before we call it a night." Coach Baker calls out.

Training camp was ending just as the pre-season was about to begin.
Each scrimmage was looking good, proving that the Bears made the right decision in drafting Spencer, but it was still too early to get hopes up.

They run a quick slant route and Justin throws to an open Spencer. He sprints towards the end zone for an easy touchdown, his 4th one for the day.

The team all heads to the locker room when Coach asks Spencer to come into his office.

"How are you feeling about the team thus far?" Billy asks.

"It feels nice. I'm still getting to know all of my teammates but Justin and I are pretty cool and I feel like quarterbacks and receivers need to be on one accord on and off the field." Spencer replies.

"Exactly my sentiment. If that's the case I know this season is going to be great! You both showed out at camp."

Spencer smiles quickly while twirling the football in his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just miss my family. My dad in particular. He played football  through college before he got sick and couldn't go any further. I started this game because of him, and now I can't even share this new success with him."

"I know how that feels son, losing someone is some of the hardest pains we can be dealt. Just keep your head up and remember you have a whole new family here to support you."

"Thanks coach. I may look into therapy. You ever went to therapy coach?"

"No I haven't. I'm not comfortable telling strangers my problems. I typically just move on and try to bury it."

"Hmm I see. Well I think we should both think about it coach. It's not my position to give orders, but it couldn't hurt."

"I'll give it a thought since you opened up to me Spencer. Now go out and celebrate, we have our first pre-season game next weekend!"

"You got it coach!"

They dap hands as Spencer leaves his office.

Would coach actually take his advice and try to work through things in his life?

Billy turns out the light in his office and takes the scenic route home, only doing so when deep in thought. He found an old picture of Laura in the glove compartment and instantly started to tear up. 4 and a half years still feels like yesterday.

Liv doesn't know that the day she died they got into an argument. Laura always felt second to football, never truly a priority to Billy. This argument had been brewing for months, typically only brought up at home, in the comfort of their bedroom but on this fateful day, it spilled over into a drive to dinner.


"This is the 3rd time this week you had to cancel our breakfast because of early workouts with your team! You guys are winning, record impeccable yet you still deem it necessary to do extra. Why is that?" Laura yells.

"You don't stay at the top becoming complacent baby! We need to work harder every time! And right now I'm currently trying to make it up to you with Dinner."

"I don't want pitty Billy I want you to love me, to be here for me, to be here with me. Liv is off at college and I feel completely by myself. You promised we would work on this."

"I know, I know, but I don't know how. Football is all I know baby but it does not stop my love for you! All the flowers I send during the week, the cards, the texts, does that not show it? I thought providing for my family was a good thing. I thought I was-"

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