(14) You're Not My Sister

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"Hey Lena how does it feel to be known as the school's slut.." Candice Jasper said as Yelena came into class. 

"Good one Candi, but I got one better homewrecker." Jade Watson said 

Laughter filled the room, "Backstabbing friend should be added." Nicole Smith said 

Yelena looked at her sister who was laughing then she looked down. During study hall she found Bucky. 

"You look upset what's wrong?" He said as she sat down. 

"In English a bunch of girls were calling me names and Natasha just joined in with their laughs. It really hurt my feelings she's my sister." She said 

Bucky wiped her tears, and said "Then talk to her tell her how it made you feel." 

"Yeah." She said in a low tone. 

Later on that night, Nat came home from Steve's, Yelena came into her room. 

Natasha looked up from taking off her shoes ans said "What the hell do you want?"

"Nat I was really hurt when you didn't defend me today." Yelena said 

"Why? It's the truth." She said 

"Please Nat we're sisters and twins. We are supposed to be ride or die." Yelena said 

Natasha laughed then said "You and Buck deserve each other cause both of y'all are delusional. Why would I be friends with a lying, cheating scumbag and defend a desperate fake a** friend who happens to be related to me?! "

Yelena looked down in shame while tears well up.

"He confided in me about their problems, he wanted affection, one thing led to another and I ended up taking his virginity. After spending so much time together we started to fall for each other." Yelena said 

Natasha looked at her disgusted and said  "You are so low."

Natasha yellex... "Were you that desperate to go after your friend's boyfriend who you knew she loved just to get attention from a guy?!

Yelena stuttered, "I-I..."

"Spare be the bullsh*t little sister. If you were a true friend you would've told him to go talk to Addie about how he was feeling and that maybe something is going on instead of sleeping with him. If you weren't so busy bouncing on James' d*ck, you would've realized that Daine had a thing for you and was going to ask you out when we got back from the Disney trip. 

He came up to me asking about you and how to approach you about a date. That he liked you since the 7th grade and thought finally you would give him a chance. But no you were too busy screwing your friend's boyfriend to care.

You and James are delusional if you think any of us will support your deceitful two-faced a**es! You are beyond triflin and no longer my sister.

So don't speak to me and if someone talks sh*t about you, you deserve it after what you've done. But I do know this, stay the hell away from me and Steve cause if you will go as far as this to betray Addie no telling what you will do to me.

Also Karma is a b*tch and what you and James have done to Addie will come back on you so bad. When it does, it's going to be one of the worst things to happen in you all's miserable lives. And when it goes down, for the first time in your life, I won't be there!" Natasha said 

Yelena started to cry. Nat got ready to leave the room, but Yelena said "No Nat please..."

Natasha shrugged her off like she burned her skin and told her "Get off me Yelena."

Yelena felt like the wind was knocked out of her because she never called her Yelena.

She goes downstairs to talk to their parents. Yelena was  crying and was walking to her bedroom, but she stopped when she overheard Nat asking their parents can she move to the bedroom on the other side of the house with the ensuite bathroom  because she can't stand to look at Yelena, doesn't trust her and definitely doesn't want her around Steve.

They agreed and Yelena cried harder while sitting on the steps. Yelena ran to her room and cried on her bed as Nat started packing up her room to move. Yelena texted Buck about  their talk and that it was worse than she could ever imagine. 

Buck felt  even more shitty because he is part of the reason she lost her sister.
Meanwhile at Addie's place, she sees that she's bleeding so she assumes it's her period and that the pregnancy tests were wrong. She breathes a sigh of relief.

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