(17) Getting Hurt Again

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A week later,

Gabe and Addie were cuddling in his bed after sex. 

"I have missed, you have been spending alot of time in Boston." He said as he caressed her face and arm. 

She smiled at him, "I had some stuff to take care of." She said

"What kind of stuff?" He said

She looked down, "I aborted Bucky's baby." She said 

"What?" He said 

"I was pregnant, and I had my sister help me get an abortion." She said 

Gabe sat  up suddenly and asked "Are you serious?!"

Addie shook her head yes.

"So what if I got you pregnant, would you do that to my baby too?" He said

Addie began to stutter and hesitated

He began to get upset, and got  out of bed and threw on some shorts.

Addie sat up and asked "What's wrong?"

 "I've had feelings for you for years and wanted to be your boyfriend. It would hurt like hell if you chose to abort my baby too. So I think it's best that you leave now. I can't do this anymore. We need to stop sleeping together nor can I be friends with you anymore." Gabe said 

Addie started getting dressed, as she asked "Why?". 

"I know Buck destroyed your heart, and that it would take you a while to heal. I was willing to wait for you, but clearly you are not the Addie I fell crazy over because she wouldn't think to do that. The Addie I know wouldn't let a guy cause her to change just because he hurt her." He said 

  "Buck wasn't just a guy! I thought I was going to marry and have kids with him! Until you experience that kind of heartbreak you have no right to judge my decision that I felt was best for me and my sanity.

Yes under normal circumstances I wouldn't have gotten the abortion, but there's so much more that you don't know that we're the deciding factors why I didn't want his baby. This really hurt my feelings because I really liked you Gabe and wanted to see where we could go, but if us is not what you want, then you don't have to worry about me anymore." She said 

She grabbed her jacket and her purse then left as she wiped tears because she was seriously considering being in a relationship with Gabe. Gabe sat  on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands realizing he made a mistake and that he didn't really give her an opportunity to actually respond.
Addie goes home in tears. She decides no more serious relationships.

The next day, the only friends that would talk to her from her musical theatre group of friends was Paige,Genesis, Naomi and Loren. The others took Gabe's side and blew her off when she tried to talk to them. 

Paige hugged her, "Its okay, we understand and we get it." She said 

"I had to do what was best for me.." Addie said as she wiped tears. 

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