Chapter 14 - What Makes A Man

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Natasha did indeed have one of the deepest sleeps she ever had in a while. Steve was truly amazing last night and she couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Burrowing herself further in the pillow with her eyes still closed, she considered going back to sleep because it was Saturday after all. But the warmth of Steve’s strong arms wrapped around her was gone and Natasha didn’t like it. Where the hell was he?

She heard the sound of pencil scraping on paper and slowly opened her eyes to find her boyfriend sitting on the armchair to her left with a sketchpad. He was drawing something and it was obviously Natasha.

The redhead frowned when she saw how much attention Steve put on his work and not her, “Steven, come back to bed.” She mumbled in a husky voice.

“Stay still, darling. I’m about to finish this drawing.” He replied without looking up from his sketch.

“I need you back in bed now.” She insisted with her best commanding tone.

Steve met her eyes briefly before going back to his drawing, “Just one second.”

“Now! Or you can sleep on the couch tonight.” She threatened and immediately he dropped everything and joined her in bed, enveloping her in his arms right away.

He pecked a kiss on her lips and held her body closer, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to capture how beautiful you look while you were sleeping.” He said, giving her another loving kiss.

“It’s okay…” She murmured, snuggling into his chest. “But you do know that I hate waking up without your arms around me.”

“I do know that, sweetheart.” He softly ran his fingers through her crimson curls. “I’ll try to stay in bed with you until you wake up, okay?”

Natasha smiled up at him and brought his lips down to hers again. The kiss started slow and sweet, but it soon turned more heated when he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Her hands tugged at his sweatpants, trying to pull them down as his lips continued trailing kisses down her neck and breasts. She moaned in his ear when she felt the tip of his cock grazing at her entrance.

"Natasha... I need you." Steve whispered, mouth closing in on her nipple and lightly sucking it, causing Natasha to throw her head back in pleasure.

Before things could get more intense, the bedroom door suddenly swung open, effectively startling the pair. Steve quickly pulled his pants back up and threw the blanket over Natasha’s naked body, covering her with his large frame before turning to the intruder. His brows furrowed when he saw a middle-aged blonde woman with the same pair of blue eyes standing at the doorway.

“Mother?” Steve questioned with a frown, “What are you doing here?”

“Well, a mother doesn’t need an excuse to visit her son.” Sarah Rogers casually replied, “But I can see that you are rather occupied, so I will go and wait for you downstairs.”

That said, Sarah turned around and walked out of the bedroom, leaving the shocked couple to process what just happened. Natasha wrapped the white sheet around her naked form as Steve got up from the bed and went to the closet to get them some clothes.

“That’s your mom?!” Natasha promptly asked as Steve gave his shirt for her to wear.

“Yeah.” He nodded sheepishly, pulling his white t-shirt down. “I had no idea she would be coming here today.”

“Well, you did leave the gala early last night.” His girlfriend reasoned, “Maybe she’s here to check on you. Wait, does she know about us?”

Steve shook his head, “No, I haven’t told her. Though now I guess she must know something is up because I had never let any woman stay here before, not to mention, sleep in my bed.”

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