Chapter 13 - Something Stupid

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His heart was pounding fast in his chest as he waited for her answer. Natasha took her time thinking about his proposal, partly enjoying seeing the nervous look on Steve’s face, and the fact that he seemed to have forgotten how to breathe. It was a big decision. Living together was a huge step in their relationship. She was concerned that they were moving things too fast. But then she recalled everything that Steve had done for her over the past week, as well as her feelings for him that only got stronger each day. So what if they were crazy to do this now? They wanted to be with each other and that was all that mattered.

A playful smile appeared on her face as she gave him the answer, “Okay, Steve. I’ll move in here with you.” His face broke into a big smile as he lifted her up and spun her around before kissing her deeply.

Natasha smiled against his lips and pulled away a little, “I’ve a few conditions...” She started and Steve looked at her attentively, “I’ll take one week to pack things from my apartment and during that time, we’ll stay at my place.”


“And even though we live here, I’d still want us to sleep at my apartment at least once a week.” She continued, “I also love my freedom so you’ll have to let me hang out with my friends whenever I want...”

Steve cut her off, “The only male friend you get to go out with is Barton. Well, I’ll make an exception for Tony too, but that’s it.”

“No, Steve! I still get to hang out with whoever I want.” She pouted when he held her tighter, “Just let me do whatever I want, okay?” Her fingers lightly ghosted over his cheekbone, “I promise I’ll always ask you first to make sure you’re okay with it.”

He softly sighed, “Alright. But I do have the rights to call and check up on you, okay?”


He leaned in until their lips were brushing, “Would that be all, Miss Romanov?”

“That would be all, Mr. Rogers.”


The couple asked Clint and Tony to come to Natasha’s apartment on Monday night so they could deliver the exciting news. Tony arrived first carrying five boxes of pizza and upon seeing some of the moving boxes scattered around the apartment, he immediately knew something was up.

“Let me guess, you guys went to Vegas and got hitched.” The billionaire sarcastically remarked, “Really, Steve? I should be offended you didn’t even invite me, let alone choose me to be your best man.”

“We didn’t get married.” Steve replied, rolling his eyes while Natasha just chuckled, “We’re moving in together to my place.”

“Huh.” Tony shrugged and grabbed a slice of the pepperoni pizza, “I guess I’m not at all surprised by this.” He started munching on his pizza before turning to the pair with a smirk, “Well, congratulations you guys! I’m happy for you two.”

Natasha happily walked up to the man and gave him a hug, “Thank you, Tony.”

“Thanks, man.” Steve nodded at his best friend.

“Yeah, yeah. I think it’s good for you, Natashlie.” Tony’s free hand gestured around her apartment, “This place is kinda small.”

“Well, I’m not rich like you two.”

“She’ll be living with me soon, Stark.” Steve defended, “Give her a break.”

Tony narrowed his eyes at the blond, “You seem very proud that your girl is moving in with you, Rogers.”

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