Chapter 15 - (His) Only Girl In The World

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The next few months passed in a flurry of secret lunch dates, stolen kisses in classes and overall sneaking around campus for some make-out session or steamy sex. Steve and Natasha enjoyed the thrill of keeping their relationship a secret while still being able to act crazy around each other with the possibility of getting caught in compromised positions. It had been quite a roller-coaster ride for the couple and yet, it was by far the best times of their lives.

Natasha was always the more adventurous one. Her playful and carefree personality brought out the fun in Steve, who used to be rather uptight and more inclined to ‘play it safe’. Still, he drew some boundaries over a few things if only for the purpose of ensuring no one found out about their relationship. Steve put his girlfriend’s future above everything, including his own needs. And although Natasha often complained about his lack of spontaneity, she couldn’t be happier to have such a considerate and loving boyfriend like Steve. Similarly, Steve adored Natasha and thanked his lucky stars everyday that he had such a wonderful woman in his life- one who wanted to be with him as much as he did with her.

Non-relationship wise, Natasha was vastly improving in her skills in Arts. One of the perks of dating the teacher was getting a private class in his art studio. Sure she might have had the unfair advantage compared to other students in her class, but Natasha couldn’t care less at this point. She was about to graduate soon and not to mention, she had been ‘the good student’ her whole life so just this once, she figured there was nothing wrong with breaking a few rules. You only lived once after all, right? Plus, Steve had a very effective method when trying to get Natasha to listen to him. It was either by kissing her senseless or fucking her vigorously, or sometimes it would be both. When she wasn’t being too ‘difficult’, he would make love to her on the sofa of his art studio. Either way, Natasha wasn’t complaining about any of it.

Meanwhile, as his tenure with the university came to an end, Steve had been looking for a new job. He did enjoy teaching but at the same time, he was looking for something that allowed him to be more involved in arts. He talked to Mrs. Chamberlin about his intention to leave after the semester ended and the Faculty Head said his absence would be a lost to the university, but she thanked him and wished him all the luck.

It was one week before her graduation that Steve told Natasha he had found a new job. They were currently cozying up next to each other on the couch in the living room and eating dinner, Natasha’s attempt to recreate Steve’s favorite seafood risotto, while watching Titanic. She was so focused on the movie that she didn’t notice he had been stealing her shrimps.

“I’ll be working at the new place next month, Natasha.” Steve started, “They called me to confirm earlier this afternoon during lunch, which you decided to have with Barton and therefore left me alone in my office.” He finished with a pout, which Natasha found incredibly adorable.

“Clint needed me there with him because he just met the girl.” She tried to reason, “Trust me, I wanted to be with you too.”

“I missed you.”

Natasha rolled her eyes good-naturedly yet couldn’t help but smile, “You say that every time I’m away from you for more than two hours.”

“Because I love you so much and I want to spend all my time with you.” He pressed a loving kiss to her temple, “And you’re now off topic, darling.”

“Okay, back to the topic. Where is your new job?” She asked excitedly, “What will you be doing?”

“I won’t tell you.” He gave her a playful wink, “Kinda want to keep it a surprise.”

“Aww! Then you shouldn’t have told me!” It was her turn to pout. “Now I really wanna know and you know me--“

“You’ll tear this place apart to find any clue about my new job.” Steve continued with a grin, “Yes, baby, I know you.”

𝓑𝓪𝓭 𝓡𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 ❸Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ