Chapter 10 - Dating a Fossil

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The first two weeks of their relationship had turned out much better than Steve and Natasha expected. To their surprise, both Clint and Tony managed to keep their secret safe. Tony might have on few occasions almost spilled about Steve dating his out-of-this-world-sexy 22 years-old student, but the billionaire did have better control of himself and he was able to hold his tongue in the end.

Their friends often stopped by Steve’s apartment to check on the couple. Clint mostly wanted to make sure that Natasha was doing fine, and whether she was really happy with Steve. He often came to join them for dinner because he figured it could save him some money and at the same time, he got to keep an eye on Natasha. Steve never said anything and continued to be the generous host that he was.

As for Tony, he liked hanging out with the couple because, well, Natasha was hot. The reason had earned him a deadly glare from Steve, who later considered if he should just throw his friend out of the building and banned him from seeing Natasha ever again. To Steve’s amazement, Natasha and Tony hit it off straightaway. The two bonded over weird little things, like right now, they were laughing silly over Tony’s tale on Steve’s most embarrassing moment.

“Can you two stop laughing? It was just that one time! Also, it was clearly Tony’s fault since he was the one who pulled down my sweatpants in the middle of the gym!”

“What, Steve? It’s funny!” Natasha giggled and Tony had a shit-eating grin on his face, clearly enjoying Steve’s discomfort. “And I need to hear more of your epic childhood stories.”

“Seriously though, he nearly made half of the girls in our gym class faint after they saw him in just his Calvin Klein underwear.”

“Aww, half of the women in New York witnessed that??”

“You two make the worst nightmare…” Steve grumbled as Natasha and Tony burst into another round of laughter, “Tony, you should go home now.”

“Aw, no! At least let me finish this beer first.”

“You’re not welcome for dinner with us again.”

“You’re welcome here for dinner anytime, Tony Stark.” Natasha corrected, casting an amused smile in Steve’s direction.

“I’m starting to like her more than you, Rogers.”

Steve merely shook his head and went back to cooking their dinner. Although he refused to admit it out loud, Steve was happy to see his girlfriend and best friend got along really well. The only downside was that he didn’t make as great of a progress with Barton. Steve supposed the guy would never really accept the fact that his teacher was now screwing his best friend. Barton had every reason to doubt Steve, because given his powerful status, he could do as he pleased and ended up hurting Natasha.

Of course that wasn’t true. Steve deeply cared for Natasha, even if Barton wasn’t totally convinced with his feelings for her. Still, their mutual affection for the girl they both cared about was the only thing that had Clint and Steve act civil around each other.

Problem was, Steve was having a difficult time trying to adjust with the level of physical contacts between his girlfriend and Barton. They always shared these little intimate gestures, which Steve found quite upsetting. Wasn’t it at all strange that a man and a woman who weren’t in a romantic relationship behaved that way?

One very recent example was when Clint and Tony came to Steve’s apartment for dinner together with the couple that Thursday. Natasha and Clint volunteered to cook because Tony needed Steve to help him look over some business proposals. Steve however couldn’t focus, always sneaking glances at his girlfriend only to find she was laughing happily at some joke Barton must have told her. Their cooking soon turned into a little food fight, which led to Clint holding Natasha in his arms to lock her in place.

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