Chapter 9 - dead body

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A/N Here is the Toya I promised! I redrew him like three times to make sure I really put everything into it. Hope you like it ;-)

People were running, shoving each other around only caring about one thing, and that was to get away. Eijiro pushed past them, barely able to make it through.

He didn't care when people bumped into him, pushed him, or even threw him to the side, his only worry was Katsuki and his colleagues. Shoto called him two minutes ago, telling him how he was about to go berserk and Eijiro didn't have to hear anything more.

The burning in his lungs grew as his stamina slowly but surely started to fade away. He was almost there, so he didn't dare to stop, really hoping he wasn't too late.

As he reached one of the larger parking lots, he started looking for a neon sign nearby, one that Shoto quickly described through the phone. It should be somewhere at the very back so Eijiro continued to run through the center.

The place was left almost abandoned, with only a few people wobbling around, too wasted to even know what was going on. Eijiro passed them. They weren't important right now.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, noting all the ditched cars still in their parking spots. It didn't add up. Why would people leave their vehicles behind if it was the perfect option for getting away?

Also, why leave them just because Izuku and Katsuki had fought a bunch of assholes? Fights in a place like this were very common, and not one ended with nasty consequences, but they never did cause such panic.

He forced his mind and eyes to focus on the road ahead of him, and... that's when he saw it.

Katsuki's and Izuku's fight had nothing to do with the caused panic. It was something worse, something unbelievable.

A dead body was standing in the middle of the road.

At least, the woman looked dead. With the way her body was twisted, smashed, and broken, Eijiro doubted anybody would be able to stand in that condition, let alone stay alive.

Behind her was a car, its front hood rumpled up and windshield shattered to small pieces. The blood beneath the woman's pale feet created a path to the smashed car.

Did she get run over?

She took a step forward, her blond hair falling onto her face as she stumbled. It was shining like gold, blocking the view of her face. Eijiro watched her fall. The woman screeched as she dropped to her knees, while her legs made a disgusting sound as they bent. Horrifyingly enough, the broken bones were visibly moving under her skin.

He felt sick but didn't dare to move, instead, he waited, studying everything that the human body was doing. Katsuki taught him many important lessons in his life before, and one of them was to always observe. You might never know what would reveal life-changing information or a weakness.

Albeit, the woman stopped moving. After falling, she didn't bother to get up and stayed still on the cold ground. Did she finally die? Was what he saw a fake assumption? Maybe her nerves were still intact and her brain was somehow able to send signals into her muscles.

One of the drunkards wobbled forward, holding a bottle in one hand, swaying it from side to side, spilling booze on the floor. It was very convenient to have a few meters of distance between them because of what was about to occur.

The woman's head snapped to the side, right where the drunkard stopped in front of her. "Hey, pretty lady! Wanna get some- umm, wanna get a drink?" He didn't get a response.

"Damn, saying no-, isn't... it is not that hard you- you know, don't need to be a bitch."

The woman's broken jaw opened with a nasty crunch as if she was trying to speak, but instead of words, weird choked sounds came out of her hanging mouth.

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