Chapter 3 - Chained

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A/N Here it is! A new chapter! I have never been to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, but I did my research about the paintings and found one with a name I really liked and added it ;-)

He stood in front of the tall building, staring at the six columns stretched high above his head almost touching the blue sky. Behind them was the entrance to the gallery, The Walker Art Gallery.

It was warmer now that the sun was out, not at all like today's morning coolness. He had to place his jacket on his shoulder since he slowly began overheating in it. A single drop of sweat dripped down his chin.

People around him moved in and out, ignoring both his existence and his glances. It was stupid to be here. He didn't even know if the guy was alive, let alone show up.

The crumpled paper felt heavy in his pocket, reminding him to move, seeing as the clock was about to hit 10 am. He knew Shoto would be opposed to his decision but if there was a small chance of having a backup… He learned from his past that being a loner was not a way to win a game.

Katsuki took the steps up, entering the enormous halls filled with artworks worth millions. Unsurprisingly, the security guards and surveillance were everywhere. It was a dangerous place to be, especially for an escapee like him.

Walking from room to room, he searched for both the man and escape routes, but the place was like a maze, almost impossible to not get lost in. Still, Katsuki enjoyed it here. Rooms filled with history just waiting to be read felt like heaven for him. He couldn't resist and stayed around in some areas longer just to learn some facts.

When he turned around the next corner, expecting to find another set of artworks, to his surprise, he found a room that was almost desolated, the exact opposite of the overfilled rooms earlier. He walked in and studied the one painting hanging on the wall that was placed in a wooden frame. The realism was remarkably impressive.

There was a simple wooden bench in front of it, occupied by a certain man. Katsuki stepped towards him, keeping his nerves under control while taking the opposite side of the bench, but didn't offer the other any attention.

"Faithful unto death by Edward John Poynter from 1865."

The other spoke in a hushed tone, meant only for him to hear. Katsuki spared the painting a few more seconds before looking to the side, meeting the intense eyes head-on.

This felt like a test, and with his experience in people, Katsuki wasn't going to fail it. He let their eyes meet, and just like that, the man's mouth turned into a silly smile. "You found me, my bunny." The glare he gave the other could kill a person on the spot. "I have questions."

Izuku, as he recalled, leaned back, but the smile didn't fade, unlike his formal posture. "Go ahead." It was almost suspicious how the man was willing to talk. Maybe Shoto was right and he just lured himself into a trap.

"Back at the yacht, you knew my name, how?" The other seemed to gleam at the question. "A perfect but deadly hero, working for our precious government, locked for unfair reasons."

The tone lingered with secrets, making him believe that he wouldn't be getting the full story. "I read a lot of cases similar to yours. You know, it's hard to catch my interest, but the way you work makes you an important piece in a battle so I wondered why they threw you away. You made me eager to get answers."

His eyes hardened but he knew the guy was genuine with his answer. "You don't know anything." A remark that made people talk. It usually worked, but Izuku seemed to ignore it and instead, returned his eyes to the painting, putting a hand on his chin while inspecting the careful brush strokes on the canvas.

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