Chapter 18

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" can stop staring at me.."

Lloyd said nervously as he watched the other time twin watch him. Trying to arrange the time flowers. "You really think that those flowers are for decoration. Huh?"

"We got no use for them" "You got no use because it's not ment for anyone regular. It's to heal those with the vortex sickness. The only ones who classified with this that never held the time, is KaI and Nya." Krux explained to the boy, who stared at the flowers. He sighed and finished putting them in place.

"Krux. Why did you become evil?" Lloyd asked, he was hesitant about it. Krux stared at him for a moment before he looked away. "War does things to you kid." Krux simply said, Lloyd flattened his lips before he walked over. "I'm glad you took this offer. We promise to help you get better." He said.

Krux waved him away. "Good luck with that." He said as he walked away from the boy. However he stopped at the door.  "Lloyd. How do you split an element?" "Eh? Why are you asking me? What are you planning Krux." "Something that should of been rightfully done than all of this." Krux only said as he walked out of the room.

Krux put over his hood and walked outside into the rain. Where nya was creating a bubble around the ship so that it stayed dried. But eventually she'll get tired. Krux walked to the edge of the deck and looked down. The grassy lands below looked so tempted to go to. And just be normal.

But he frowned. He can never be deemed normal. Not in his standards. His days as a villain ensured that.

He blinked away a few tears before he felt rain drops hit his jacket. The bubble went away. Now he can be upset and no one will know. He blew the red and black strands out of his face as he looked out to the distant city. They are now heading to the snowy mountains as for a distress signal he heard about.

Sometimes he just wanted to summon his dragon and fly there. Get it done and sleep the day away. But he doesn't know how to control the massive dragon that the full power had. "Brother. You're out again in your head. You ok?" Acronix asked as he walked up. Krux looked over before he flattened his lips a little. "Do you really believe I can become good again?"

"What you mean? Yes I do believe that. I'm on that path too. It's hard, but you can do it too." "But we both know that Maya and Ray would never forgive us. Never forgive me."

The string of silence hit them both when he mentioned water and fire. Acronix looked down with defeat. "Nor would Wu..or Garmadon." He muttered as tears pricked his eyes. However he was pulled into a hug. "We truly never would feel it. Because of those we wronged that was so close to us." "I just we could say sorry." "no parece tan.." [doesn't seem so..]

Nya listened to them before she had the idea. She walked into the control room and tapped on Kai. He took out his headphones. "Yes sis?", "I know a way to get the twins to feel like they can become good."


The time twins stood outside of the stopped rain as they tried training. Jay was put on 'babysitting' as he complained about. Krux wore a vengestone ring as to not accidentally activate the powers.

Kruxs eyes narrowed as he watched his brother. Acronix watched him closely with a similar expression. Jay yawned, they didn't move for a solid 5 minutes and it was annoying him. "Come on just go on already! Arteritis shouldn't be plating now!" Jay said as he crossed his arms. "It would of been more entertaining with those blades than watch two old men-" he couldn't finish his ramble before a blast of white almost hit his face. "Watch it" Krux sternly said. Jay let out a nervous laugh.

"You both- you both are skilled warriors. Your mother was a skilled warrior. Watching you stand there is...depressing. like you both forgot or don't want to fight." Jay said as he frowned.

"You both have been different lately since you been reunited after what happened. You refuse to take part in training together. And once you do, you both don't even try to take the first hit. Do you not trust each other?" Jay asked in a serious tone. The time twins remained silent as they looked at each other.

"We...we agreed to not fight. Not after what happened to our mother. Amar left, we have no reason to fight if he hasn't shown a single sign of returning." Acronix admitted to Jay. Jay stared at them with shock. "Dont tell me you won't go after him to fufill whatever prophecy was set on you? Not even to avenge your own mother?!". "Kid. You don't understand. We are done. I'm especially done. We don't want to fight. If you haven't realized, we both prisoned our old friends. We both hurt our friends in the past because of how arrogant we was. We are done."

Krux stood his ground. However Jay didn't just want to believe that. "Have you both even TRIED to go back to Maya and Ray to apologized?!" He yelled, Krux blinked before he looked away.

"You never tried. Did you both not? Not when you was hiding. Not once did you decide to settle down with something traumatic with them two." Jay stated as he tilted his head. "Do you...really think they would like to see us? Let alone accept our apology?" Acronix asked quietly, bur enough for him to hear.

Jay glanced down, they was right. There's no telling if they would accept or see them. However he glanced up at the sound of footsteps and a dragon flapping. "It doesn't hurt to try, dears."

Krux froze in fear to that voice. They did not just.. "what..?" Krux muttered, not wanting to look. "Yeah, you both know communication is more powerful. We taught you that." "You're lying.." Acronix muttered as he adjusted his hearing aid. "Why are you here..?"

"To talk". The previous masters of ice and fire said in uni.

Time of PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz