Chapter 16

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"What are you going to do when there's blood in the water?"

It's something mother always said. I always respond with..

"I don't know Madre. Reverse time so we have clean water?"

It was never the right answer. Reversing time never was the answer.

"Time must be kept. It's the very existence to everything. Abusing it would cause harm. Abusing it is reviving someone. Its reversing of an elders age. Everyone has their time to pass. And you must never interfere with that. Us time keepers live for a much longer time than normal humans. If we remain our roles as time keepers."

"OK prisoner. Wake up!" A guard yelled, blowing his whistle. Krux groaned and sat up. He wiped his eyes.

He had his choice to go to prison himself. He left at dead of night and turned himself in to Kryptarium prison. He reside in Vengestone ankle cuffs. What he had done, he didn't deserve to be freed. His brother wanted nothing from him. He was told that. So he left.

He told the guards to never inform the ninjas he was here. He wanted to be alone.

"Come on scumbag" the guard said, Krux huffed before he got up and walked to the cell door and out. It was breakfast time.

Krux walked down the steps and was lead to the main room with the cafeteria. He gotten alot of eyes on him. People whisper. "Guard. If someone had a bloody nose. Know that it was them provoking me. I have a short temper." He said with the upmost honesty. But he know they wouldn't care.

He went and got food. However he sawn a familiar face. "Didn't expect to see you here." He muttered. The snake hissed. "You and your brother fucked over us. I was lucky to have a mind." The vermilion said as he glared. "In surprised you know my face" "You're ugly. So yeah. Trunn."

Krux went and sat down. He glared at the others before he looked at the crap that was ment to be food. "Dont you dare say shit about me. You looked better older you hag." Trunn said as he sat down. The snakes hissed that was on his body. "Whatever. I don't want to start a fight." "Are you sick?! You're the master of time, a warrior by blood AND by nature! You always made plans to destroy-"

"Those days are behind me now. I'm on the road to be good again. Till Acronix accepts me again. I don't want to be evil anymore. I killed the person I tried to protect that was in my family. So leave me alone with that." Krux said as he glared at the snake wrapped male. Trunn stared at him with a confused look. "You killed your mom?" "An ancient enemy did. But I was selfish enough to have her get killed." Krux said in a monotone voice. This made Trunn shut up.

Trunn got up and moved away, giving Krux the space he wanted. He sighed and smiled sadly. 'One day I'll join the both of you. But I cant leave brother just yet'. He thought as he ate the crap that was even called food.

However just before time to do cores was announced, a fight broke out. Krux looked over to see the two prisoners fighting while guard tried to break them appart. Krux sighed and got up, moving away from the situation. But it was starting a chain of fights. Which caused him to move outside from the situation. He watched as quite alot of guards went inside the room to stop them. "Childish." He muttered to himself.

Though he looked down and noticed the chain was broken. When did that get broke? "Look, don't mention to the guards that you have it off. But if something ancient killed your mom. Then you must always be ready." Trunn said as he pulled Krux to the side. "Why are you doing this when your entire species was removed?"

"Because going straight doesn't mean taking away your powers. Judging by the vengestone anklet that was just a little bit too big on you. I'm surprised you didn't feel anything." "I'm surprised too. Guess all my focus was in my arm."

"Well, come on, we don't want to be in that mess when they are done." He said as he walked with Krux. The two slipped into the main cell room. They was caught by guards. But Trunn explained how Krux needed help out of a fight due to his arm. Which they noticed. They split the two appart and krux was lead to his cell while Trunn went to work.

Krux sat down in his opened cell. He has free roam until four. Which is three periods of this forsaken prison. Two different work times and a free time.

Krux sat in silence as his arm throbbed. He winced. He wanted to use the fast forward to heal it quicker. But his brother and the ninjas would be alerted of where he was.

He leaned back onto the wall next to his bed as tears swelled in his eyes. How long can he stay hidden before they are bound to find him? He was hoping they would spend months before checking the prison. They wouldn't expect him to go to prison and turn himself in. Right?


He wasn't sure. He thought this was best for him. Even though he was miserable.

However he closed his eyes. 41 years and it was all because he was arrogant and selfish. He was alone.

He had one person with him during the time, and he also pushed her away when his plan was at motion.

Krux hit the wall with his good hand. He winced at the pain. "I hate it. If only I could turn back time. Tell my younger self to not be so arrogant or stubborn. Maybe things would of been better for my family.."

Krux hugged himself with his good arm as he stared at the ground. Soon enough he'll have to count his days here before his trial.

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