Ch.22 Unlikely Ally

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*Cough* *Cough* *Groan*

I opened my eyesockets back up to my torturer. He had on a cyan hoodie and black turtleneck. His shorts were white with black stripes down the sides. He had no eyelights and black liquid seeped from his eyesockets down his face. Magic and corruption ran from me in rivers all across my body. I'd probably been here about a week, by the daily sessions of torture I'd been going through. Everytime he comes, I was stabbed, cut, shocked, burned, and so on so forth. Honestly, it was getting boring. I'd already been through this kind of thing before with the villagers. Physical pain doesn't really effect me and they couldn't really tell me anything that I haven't heard before for phycological damage. I had gotten to know my torturer pretty well though. He was quite the talker.

He went on and on about anything from himself to victims he killed. I didn't have anything better to do so I just listened and gave occasional commentary. Despite our current "relationship" as torturer and victim, we got along pretty well. He knew I knew what he was doing to me wasn't personal. And, he enjoyed having someone that actually listened to him. He told me that it gets annoying just hearing his victims scream the whole time. But when your Nightmare's personal torturer, what else can you do. I nodded in agreement. That would get annoying.

"Alright kid, looks like it's the end of our session today. You took it like a champ. I really wish you'd give in already, then we wouldn't have to go through this." He told me.

*Cough* *Cough* "Sorry, Killer. No can do. I refuse to be his queen. For one, I'm still a kid. And two, he's the manifested negativity of my brother. That's like... borderline incest. I'm all for different Sans getting together, you need to find love where you can. But, me and corruption? That's just weird. I refuse to get with the, probably a yandere, octo-pedo." I told him.

I could tell that Killer was trying to keep a straight face at that last part. I hear echoy laughter coming from my cell. Killer looks around bit irritated at whoever it was. Then, a skeleton appears floating in midair. It was Bill. "Hi Bill, good to see you again. You come to join the action? This torture is getting a bit repetitive. No offense Killer, your a great conversationalist." I said. Bill calmed down.

"NaHh, I JuSt WaNtEd To CoMe ViSiT YoU. I WoUlD HaVe ShOwEd Up SoOnEr, BuT, ThE OcToPuS FoRbiD Me. NoT ThAt ThAt WoUlD KeEp Me AwAy! It GeTs So TeRrIbLy DuLl HeRe. YoU CaN OnLy Do ThE SaMe ThInG So MaNy TiMeS. AlL We Do Is KilL, ToRtUrE, AnD SpReAd NeGaTiViTy. CaN't EvEn TaKe JoY FrOm AnYtHiNg ThAnKs To GoOpY's AuRa." Bill informed me. Killer nodded in agreement.

"Ya. I've haven't had the kind of emotions I've had during our time together in ages." Killer admitted.

"I knew it must be awful working for Corruption, but I don't get how you all haven't just dusted from the lack of HoPe. It must be a very dull existence only feeling negative emotions or none at all." I commented.

"EhH, CoUlD Be WoRsE. HeY DrIpPy, WhY DoN't YoU Go WhErEvEr. I'm GoNnA StAy HeRe AnD TaLk To ThE KiD." Bill said. Killer shrugged his shoulders and headed out.

When Killer was gone, Bill kind of just stared at me for a few minutes. I started to blush a bit at the intensity. I have no idea what he wanted, but it was making me a bit flustered. Still, it was getting a bit boring just staring at eachother. I yawned. "So, you just going to stare at me the whole time or are you going to tell me what you want? I know you wouldn't want to see me for no reason. And, if Corruption told you not to come see me your not going to just putting yourself in unnecessary risk for no reason." I told him. He grins wider.

"I Knew FrOm OuR FiRsT MeEtInG YoU WeRe DiFfErEnT FrOm ThE ReSt. YoU ThReW Me OfF ThE MoMeNt I EnTeReD YoUr MiNdScApE. DeSpItE BeInG YoUnG YoUr InTeLlIgEnT, PoWeRfUl, WiTty, AnD HaVe A DiStInCt LaCk Of FeAr FoR Me. ThAt MaDe Me WaNt To LeArN MoRe! WhEn ThE OcToPuS SaId He WaNtEd To CaPtUrE YoU, I ThOuGhT It WoULd Be ThE PeRFeCt OpPoRtUnItY To SeE WhAt MaKeS YoU TiCk. ThEn, I FiNd OuT He WaNtS To MaKe YoU HiS QuEeN. SoMeThInG AbOuT ThAt JuSt PiSsEs Me OfF. I HaD To WaTcH As YoU WeNt ThRoUgH DaIlY ToRtUrE, BuT It DiDn'T SeEm To FaZe YoU. YoU JuSt LiStEnEd AnD TaLkEd To DrIpPy LiKe YoU WeRe JuSt HaNgInG OuT. PuN InTeNdEd. YoU DoN't SeEm To CaRe AbOuT WhO We ArE Or WhAt We'Ve DoNe. WeLl, BeSiDeS ThE GoOpY OcToPuS. ThAt'S MoRe PeRsOnAl FoR YoU. I DoN't WaNt ThEm To BrEaK YoU. I DoN't WaNt My NeW EnTeRtAiNmEnT To EnD. So, I'm WiLlInG To CuT YoU A DeAl." Bill told me.

"That sounds interesting. A deal with the great Bill Cipher himself. I might be interested." I said pondering my options.

I don't know how long it would take for help to come. Or, what kind of defenses this place has. I know that I have my tracker, but they might not have the ability to get to me. Plus, everyone is busy trying to get ready to escape the multiverse, so they might not have the people they need to launch a rescue. Bill looked excited at my answer.

"WeLl, It WoUlD Be PrEtTy SiMpLe. I LeT ThAt DeAtH GoD CoMe GeT YoU AlL OuT Of HeRe, AnD YoU HaVe To TeLl Me ThReE ThInGs I DoN'T KnOw AlReAdY." Bill said. I squinted at him. That seemed too good to be true.

"What kind of things? And, wouldn't you be betraying Corruption by letting me go? I thought you two had a deal going on." I said cautiously. Bill smirked.

"It CaN Be AnYtHiNg. FrOm AbOuT YoUrSeLf to ThInGs I WoUlDn'T HaVe KnOwN, WhIcH IsN'T AlOt. AnD AbOuT Me AnD Goopy, OuR DeAl WaS CoMpLeTeD A LoNg TiMe AgO. He GeTs To RuLe OvEr ThE MuLtIvErSe, AnD I GoT My WeIrDMaGeDdOn. ThOuGh, I SeEmEd To HaVe DrAwN ThE ShOrT StRaW. I WoUlDn'T MiNd ScReWiNg HiM OvEr A BiT. I StIlL HaNg ArOuNd, BuT He CaN'T ReAlLy CoNtRoL Me. I OnLy Go AlOnG WiTh HiM To TrY To SaTiSfY My BoReDoM." Bill said.

"Well I don't mind. I can think of a few things you might not know. And if it gets me out of here relatively intact, I could agree to that. Just one problem. I'm a little chained up here, so I can't shake on it." I told him. Bill snapped his fingers and all my restraints, but the one around my neck, released me. I fell to the ground with a thud.

*Groan* "Give a person a little warning Bill. I may not act like I've been tortured for a week, but I can still feel it." I complained, as I looks up to him. He laughed at my irritated expression.

I managed to get myself on my coccyx. I didn't realize how bad the pain felt until I could move around. I probably shouldn't attempt to heal myself. My corruption might have let me continue to absorb the negativity so I didn't run out of magic and avoided the worst, but having a spike in magic use would probably bring unwanted attention. Bill held out a hand covered in blue flames. "WeLl DrEaM CaTcHeR JoKu, Do We HaVe A DeAl?" He asked me.

Without hesitation, I grab his hand. "It's a deal, Bill Sans Cipher." I answered. He grinned even wider, as his eyelights take on a brighter glow.

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