Beers And Rock

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"I'm going to pretend those words never came out of your mouth."

"Aw, c'mon sweetheart." The man chuckled, visibly amused. "What's wrong with wanting to buy a pretty girl a beer?"

"God..." I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

I pressed one of my hands on my forehead before turning my head to him.

"You know what? Actually, I wouldn't mind you buying me a drink. That way I'll have something to smash on your head if you keep on being a jerk."

The man scoffed and, surprisingly, smiled. I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before smiling faintly and shaking my head slowly.

"Forget I said anything. For all I know, you might even be into that."

His face expressed sudden surprise, but I could tell by the glimpse in his eyes that my supposition was correct. I looked over my shoulder before turning back around to the freckles-riddled face sitting next to me.

"Anyway." I started while taking a sip from my drink. "Since you're taking the liberty of being personal with me, allow me to do the same: that buddy of yours, who's he?"

A few tables behind us sat a young man with shaggy brown hair, seemingly very busy working on some kinds of newspapers and sheets. I pointed at him with my thumb and the man sitting to my right looked in his direction, before turning back to me.

"How d'you know he's with me?" He asked, somewhat confused.

"Well, he looks like he's very focused on... whatever it is he's doing right now." I said, giving him quick glances over my shoulder. "But apparently, not focused enough not to help himself from looking up from his work and staring at us every two minutes or so."

Still looking at the man behind us, my green-eyed friend sitting beside me sighed, before giving him a look from afar.

"He's my brother." He said, turning back around. "His name is Sam. I'm Dean, by the way."

"Well, Dean, your brother seems like the type who likes to watch."

"No, it's not like that. He just-"

"He just doesn't understand how you can keep on hitting on so many girls all the time?" I finished his sentence with a raised eyebrow.

He gave his brother one last look before turning his back to him completely.

"Yeah, something like that."

Dean had just finished speaking when a familiar guitar solo suddenly resonated throughout the bar.

"Oh, hell yeah." He chuckled with a smile as he looked behind him at the jukebox.

I tried my best to control myself, not wanting Dean to know, but it was too strong for me to hold it in, and I began tapping my fingers on the counter to the beat of AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long". When he turned back around, his smile widened even more the second he noticed I was into the song. He stared into my eyes with an electrifying feeling, before softly hitting my arm with his elbow.

"I think you and I might have more in common than I thought. Say, tell me a bit about yourself."

Still looking into his eyes, I smiled from one corner of my mouth.

"Buy me that beer you offered earlier, and you've got yourself a deal."

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