It Takes Two To Hunt

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"That's disgusting. You're lucky you're cute."

Lucifer chuckled as I wiped the blood drops off my face with the back of my hand.

"I'm serious Luci. I swear, I won't ever take you hunting with me again if you keep on exploding every single creature we come across."

"Say what you want, but you can't deny it makes your job much easier." He teased me with a smug look on his face.

"Well yeah, that's the problem, it makes it too easy!" I told him with my arms crossed on my chest. "It takes all the fun out of hunting. And it always ends with me covered in weird monster blood."

He looked at me with a playful expression and a raised eyebrow, before dramatically turning his back to me.

"Always so ungrateful... I'm too good for you, you know that? You really don't deserve me and my overflowing kindness."

"Yeah, maybe." I let out unimpressively, too busy packing my things to pay attention to his mockery. "Now c'mon, let's go to the hotel, I'm beat."

"Yeah, 'cause you definitely killed all of those werewolves." He turned around while scoffing.

"All you did was snap your fingers." I said as I took a step forward in his direction. "Don't start pretending that was the most arduous task in the world."

I reached out for his hand and grabbed it tight, before looking up into his blue eyes, still as radiant, even in the moonlight.

"You know I don't like having to ask things twice, so please honey, take us back to the hotel room."

He smiled at me, a pure and loving smile, then rested a hand on one of my cheeks.

"Sure. But first, I want a kiss. It's the least you can do to thank me for my help."

I sighed with a grin and shook my head slowly: pressing my body against his, I got on the tip of my toes as I felt his other hand grab my lower back.

"You're impossible." I murmured, still smiling.

"I know." He whispered back, his warm breath bouncing off my skin. "That's why you love me so much."

His lips came to meet mine, soothing me into a feeling of love and passion. I closed my eyes and let myself succumb to his embrace, but barely a few seconds later, I found myself lying on the hotel room sofa, my body resting against his. I pulled away from our kiss and smiled gently.

"You could've teleported me into the shower, y'know." I spoke softly while running my hand through his dirty blonde hair. "I'm still covered in blood."

"I know, but I wanted cuddles." He said with a cute smile. "Besides, there's an easy way to fix this..."

Lucifer stretched out his arms and began removing my bloodied jacket, then followed with my blood-stained plaid shirt, both of which he threw on the ground next to the couch. I was left in my black tank top, which allowed him to caress my bare arms, the cold of his touch helping cool down my body temperature.

"That's only a temporary fix, though." I smiled. "My skin is still bloody."

"You'll scrub it off later." He said with a muffled voice, his head buried against my chest. "For now, let's snuggle."

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