Table of contents

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DRABBLE N°1: "Hesitation".

Relationship: Crowley x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°2: "Kitchen Make Up".

Relationship: Gabriel x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°3: "Control".

Relationship: Crowley x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°4: "Company".

Relationship: Dean Winchester & Female Reader.

Words: 536.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°5: "No Way Out".

Relationship: Lucifer x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°6: "Denial".

Relationship: Crowley x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°7: "Pacify".

Relationship: Lucifer x Female Reader.

Words: 545.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°8: "Night Talk".

Relationship: Sam Winchester & Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°9: "Real Identities".

Relationship: Sam/Dean Winchester & Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Season 1.

DRABBLE N°10: "New Emotions".

Relationship: Lucifer x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°11: "Choices".

Relationship: Crowley x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

DRABBLE N°12: "Beers And Rock".

Relationship: Dean Winchester x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Season 2.

DRABBLE N°13: "Nightmares From The Past".

Relationship: Sam/Dean/John Winchester & Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Season 2.

Warning: Angst.

DRABBLE N°14: "It Takes Two To Hunt".

Relationship: Lucifer x Female Reader.

Words: 550.

Chronology: Any season.

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