Night Talk

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"What are you doing up at four in the morning?"

"I might ask you the same thing."

"Heh, touché." Sam replied with a low scoff.

He stepped into the dimly lit kitchen as he rubbed his eyes, before making his way to the table at which I was sitting. He grabbed a chair and sat in front of me, which allowed me to see up close the tiredness visible on his face.

"Seriously Sam, what are you doing still awake?" I asked him while scrolling through my phone. "You look worn-out."

"I'm fine, don't worry." He said with a sign of the hand. "I needed to finish some research I had started earlier, I didn't want to go to bed knowing it was left pending."

I could not help but chuckle and shook my head slowly with a smile.

"You never change, do you Sam?" I joked as I looked up from my phone and into his eyes. "How many times do I have to lecture you on the importance of not overworking yourself?"

"Oh, because you're obviously not one to talk." He teased me back.

"C'mon, Sam, you know I've eased up on my overactivity. Why do you think I've been spending so much time with Dean these days? I'm trying to turn my work-mode switch off a little more often."

We laughed quietly together, and it put a smile on my face to see Sam's weary eyes gleaming with joy, even if the spark was only mere. I set my phone down next to me, still staring into his eyes.

"More seriously, Sam, you should rest. You've earned it. And you need it, more than any of us."

His lips curved into an honest and grateful smile, but also hid a hint of playfulness.

"You know what? You tell me what you're doing alone in the kitchen in the middle of the night, and I'll agree to go rest up."

I shrugged lightly as I stood up from my chair.

"Nothing much, to be honest." I told him while walking to the fridge. "I told you guys good night early on, but I haven't actually been able to really sleep much since then."

I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orange juice from it.

"I kept turning on my bed, without managing to find sleep." I continued all while pouring myself a glass. "I think my brain just... couldn't shut down. It couldn't stop thinking about everything that's been happening to all of us lately..."

My glass in hand, I walked back to the table and joined Sam again; I took a slow sip from my drink, after which I sighed.

"So I decided to leave my room and went to the kitchen to try and find something to nibble, in hopes of finding some peace of mind along the way."

Sam nodded slowly at me, and I could tell by his expression he was searching for what to tell me, but just as he was about to speak up, a yawn escaped his mouth, leading the both of us to chuckle once more.

"Enough said, right?" I joked.

"Yeah... You're right, I should probably rest."

He stood up and slowly walked to the doorway, before turning around to me.

"Good night, [Y/N]."

"Good night, Sam."

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