No Way Out

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"All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes."

It was as if I had turned deaf. As if all of my senses had shut down. And all I could hear was that ringing in my ears. The world around me began to spin, and my vision became blurrier with each bit of red my eyes landed on.

"Hey, darling, look at me."

His voice was the only sound in the room, the only noise crashing against the heavy silence, yet my ears could barely perceive it. My eyes were fixed on the bloodied walls, on the bloodied floor. They could see nothing else. They could not even see him slowly walking toward me. However, the focused attention I had given to my surroundings was forcibly taken away, as he made my head turn to face his, grabbing me by the chin.

"You did good." He told me with a satisfied and somewhat sinister grin. "You did very good."

Had I not been myself, it would have been near impossible for me to decipher what the facial expression he was wearing at that very moment meant. But I knew exactly what it meant. His lips were curved into a perverted smile, and while his eyebrows were relaxed, his ice-cold eyes were sparking with contentment and desire.

Ever so slowly, he brought me closer to him while holding both of my shoulders, until his entire body was against mine. I could feel the fast-paced rhythm of his heartbeat through my own chest. I could feel him wrap his entire self around me, going as far as penetrating even my mind. I could hear him exhale heavily down my neck, and felt as though Death had just kissed me. I remained completely immobile against his embrace, too feeble and perturbed to successfully order my brain to move my limbs. I felt trapped, caged. And I thought this must have been how he had felt, during all these years. But now, he was no longer imprisoned. He was no longer alone. He had found me. And he took all the measures needed to ensure I would never let him release me. The love he felt for me was as twisted as his mind, as twisted as his actions. But how could I escape? How could I walk away from him?

I could never. We both knew that if I ever refused to do as he wanted, he would lock me up, seal me away, and would make my life a nightmare for having dared refuse to satisfy his desires. Nothing would ever stop him from getting to me, and he knew better than anyone he would not hesitate to get rid of any obstacles blocking his path to me.

His hands ran gently through my hair, stained with blood and bits of flesh. A voice deep within my soul reached out to me and subconsciously pushed me to raise my hands up and put them on his back. Against my will, I began rubbing his back, back and forth. My fingers on his jacket left wide stripes of blood on the fabric. All I could look at were my hands. Soaked in blood, as if red-dyed. And as Lucifer chuckled gruffly, I shed a tear.

What have I done?

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