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"Oh my God. You're in love." Dean blurted out in a mix of utter shock and slight disgust.

I remained silent and simply stared through the window.

"We're risking our lives teaming up with the King of Hell, and your contribution is to fall in love with him?"

"What even makes you think that?" I asked without looking at him.

"Everything. I'm not an idiot, [Y/N], I can see the signs."

I heard Dean sigh and pictured him letting go of the wheel with one hand to press it against his forehead.

"God, it makes so much sense now... That's why you never left his side today, and why you kept siding with him whenever Sam and I disagreed with him..."

I remained quiet, not because I was in denial and refused to face my feelings, but because I did not know myself what I was feeling. I was in no position to argue with Dean as long as I had not figured out whether he was right or wrong; I felt his eyes on me, his judgmental gaze, and had no idea what to say to defend myself.

"And you know what?" He asked despite my silence. "I bet that's even why you insisted so much on him spending the night at the hotel with us."

I lowered my eyes slightly and felt a multitude of mixed feelings invading me: I decided to ignore them and pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket. Hearing Dean mention the hotel reminded me Sam had asked me to text him when he and I would make our way back there, so I sent him a message to let him know we were only a couple of minutes away. Once in the parking lot of the hotel, Dean stopped the engine and turned to me.

"I'm never introducing you to anyone ever again... You hear me?"

Without giving me time to answer, he opened his door and stepped out. As I did the same, I saw Sam approach us, a slightly confused look on his face.

"What's all the ruckus about?"

"[Y/N]'s in love with Crowley." Dean told him as he walked right past him and away from us.

Sam turned to me, even more confused, but could understand by my expression that I had no desire to talk about it, so we walked in silence to the entrance of the hotel; but as I approached the doors, I felt a hand grab my arm, and only then did I realize Crowley was standing next to the doorway. I stared into his deep hazel eyes without saying a word, and saw the features of his face soften.

"Let's go for an evening stroll, darling." He softly said as he dragged me closer to him and away from the hotel. "Something tells me that's what you need right now."

His touch rendered me mute, and all I could do was follow him, my arm intertwined with his. As we silently wandered, I turned my face to look at him. Did I love him? I had no idea. What if Dean was right? What if I had fallen for him? And as these questions crossed my mind, Crowley stared back at me, before tenderly smiling. And then I knew. I had obtained my answers.

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