04 || For The First Time

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|| 04.1 ||

"She's talking to someone from the resort staff" Jojo discreetly pointed Leya in Mohana's direction

Clutching on to the flowy dress, her golden hair flowing with the wind Mohana stood talking to the resort manager

"It's time to move that 'anything' Peggy out of the focus" determinedly Leya assured Jojo

Glancing at the photography team in the distance, Leya waved at them. Gathering the signal, her manager Efe walked across the site to join Jojo and Leya

Secretively within the three of them, Leya whispered to him "Efe, let's request Omar to take the spot. You are my prime lead, we'll get some of his shots with these wisps of clouds for an accent"

"Yes Leya, on it, but am sending Bong-Cha, she knows the moraingy martial arts! That is one strange woman with Omar. She offered him 'anything' in such a weird whisper that it's not a whisper at all. And then she decided she wanted to take my camera! My lens got so badly smudged" Efe's face was horror stricken

Jojo and Leya exchanged a dismayed glance at the 'anything' whispering antics of Peggy

"Goodness! I will get her sorted.." Leya ran another assurance "..go ahead request Bong-Cha but send back up protection with her too"

"Yes boss" saying Efe made his way back to the crew

The bright weather, wisps of clouds spread lightly in the backdrop accompanied their December cover celebrity: Omar Shaan

Sporting the platinum jacket, over the now-buttoned blue shirt Omar stood at the marked spot, being guarded by Bong-Cha. On the other hand, much of the discussions and explanations turned into noise and grumblings with the intruding resort server. At the crux of it all, Sophista crew backed off and Peggy crudely remained on their site

Setting her glasses Leya shoved the digital pen in her glittery pink top knot

Looking thoughtfully at their cover model, Leya tentatively checked "Why is he uh looking like that?"

"Because he is such a handsome designer?" Jojo provided dreamily looking at Omar Shaan posing for his shots with Efe and their photography team

Leya shared her agreement "Handsome yes, and designer yes, of course. But. We don't want him wearing ten layers of fabric, this is not going to work at all"

"We don't!.." Jojo affirmed realizing his covered torso "..Because he needs to impress the right kind of people! Not that 'anything' Peggy. I will go get Miss Mohana"

"Exactly, we need to brainstorm with boss lady and that resort human with her is already making me anxious" Leya stated looking in the direction of Mohana

Regarding her boss thoughtfully, Jojo provided "Yes and Miss Mohana usually doesn't talk to random people"

"I bet it's all because of that 'anything' Peggy" Leya huffed with Jojo fuming alongside "I don't think I will ever be able to like her"

"Nope, nothing to like at all" confirming with a growl, Leya signaled Efe to have their cover celebrity take a break

"I'll get Miss Mohana" saying Jojo hurriedly made a dash to her boss

Standing with the resort manager, holding onto her flying dress, Mohana was listening to something the man was explaining

To break Mohana free from the company of the young man, Jojo landed ahead of her. Intentionally ignoring the man, Jojo alerted her boss "Ma'am, your presence is needed"

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