02 || Pineapples VS Cucumbers

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|| 02.1 ||

Walking inside Mohana's office, Jojo guided a silver cart. With a display of snacks and beverages on the different levels, kept atop the shelves was a beautiful vase with an overelaborate bouquet of pink camellia flowers. Glancing around at Mohana wrapping her conference call, Jojo exchanged a wave with her. Clearing her desk, Jojo got busy with emptying the cart. She settled the overflowing flowers on the large desk, then started to place the treats strategically all around the large table.

Disconnecting the call, Mohana walked over to her desk where Jojo was busy laying the table.

Looking at her assistants unending ways to ensure a perfect presentation of the treats, she asked "Do you have time to drink tea with me? We can review the upcoming plan for the polo match coverage"

"No Miss Mohana, what's most important is that you have the next hour and a half available and you have to take a break" Jojo confirmed, ensuring the heart shaped jam cookies were kept in alignment

"Break yes, but I only have thirty minutes. We'll have tea together and we will get this sorted" Mohana confirmed

Picking a small round heart shaped brownie Jojo offered it to her "Try this", "Looks yummy" Mohana smiled picking the treat

"Food made with love is always delicious" Jojo claimed dreamily

"Of course.." taking a bite Mohana complimented her "..I like the dark chocolate oomph to it"

"Am so glad you like it.." handing her the plate of brownies Jojo smiled widely "..this is a new recipe am trying!"

"Very neat" appreciatively nodding Mohana took another bite

"And you have an hour and a half now because I moved things around. And we can't talk about work during this time! The cocoa in these brownies will invoke a sense of all the good emotions that focus on the important feelings, so my suggestion is for us to take a break from work. We need to review this list that I have gotten from Leya after much hard work"

"Sure we can do this quickly then we can finalize the polo match details" Mohana said glancing at the screen Jojo offered her

"It will take a lot of our energy.." motioning Mohana to sit Jojo served her a cup of tea "..here"

Reviewing through the paragraph gist that Jojo presented, Mohana gave her a thoughtful nod "This makes sense, bold women are those who have conviction of their direction and path"

Sitting besides Mohana with her own cup of tea Jojo offered "Exactly you are strong and persistent to accomplish whatever you take on, but see Leya has made a list and noted here for us that bold women know what they are passionate about too"

"Of course, you're only persistent to accomplish what you're passionate about" Mohana determinedly declared taking a sip of the beverage

Nudging the plate of cookies towards her boss, Jojo said "Yes Miss Mohana, but passion is the key word here! Her next point says, that a bold woman can't get anything in the way of her want. At work yes, you are succeeding at a pace far beyond but the ambition is to also focus all of that on passion!"

"Passion to follow your goals and ambitions" Mohana said, picking a treat from ahead her to nibble onto. She already felt happy at the determination, that she was not shy and belonged in the same bin as that of bold women

"Of course but what does Leya's husband want her goal and ambition to be?" Jojo quizzed Mohana

Puckering her lips in thought Mohana reviewed the question "What does Salm want? Uhm he wants Leya to own this world with her amazing photography skills?"

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