Part 21: Cigarettes after sex: Apocalypse; cry

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After Redvelvet's hectic months and performances, the band was given a rest week in order for them to unwind. Each of the members has decided to go back to their hometown, and spend their week with their families, which means Irene gets to spend her time with you along with her family— and that's just what you're doing right now.

Irene's not really fond of parties and drinking, but because it had been a stressful comeback for them, she agreed to join her cousin's house party.

Truth be told, the only music that's been playing on the loop are the comeback songs Redvelvet had made and performed, and to say that Irene's somewhat fed-up would be an understatement.

"Feel my rhythm, more like "feel my pain"."

The drunk woman grumbled beside you.

Tonight, your only job is to stay sober and help Irene go back home. Not that you're forced to, it's just because it'll be best if one of you is capable of driving back home. Although it's quite tempting to take four consecutive shots of tequila right now, you are stuck with your citrus-flavored beer.

"Why the grumpy mood, Hyun?"

You chuckled, while Irene glared at you— spilling some drops of her gin upon turning to look at you.

"If you were to sing your songs over and over again, and you'll have to spend your night listening to it again— wouldn't you be tired of it?"

"Good point,"

You chugged your remaining beer and tried to gently take Irene's cup from her hands.

"And goodnight to you, Hyun. You've reached your limit"

With all honesty, drunk Irene is a bit harder to take care of— since she's more feisty and a bit irrational. Talk about a small raging woman beside you.

"No, I'm gonna finish this one"

The smaller one yanked her cup away from your reach and chugged her gin-mixed drink before you were even able to do anything. She's definitely going to throw up after, but oh well, you're going to help her anyways right?

"For the love of god, Hyun. Slow down, or else you're going to regret your hangover the moment you wake up."

With a burp coming from Irene, her hooded gaze landed on you— a bit wobbly and drunk, it's still a miraculous sight to see her somewhat calm. Irene's usually loud when drunk, this time, however, she seems to be grumpy and quiet.

"You know what, Y/N?"

She poked your chest and kept her pointer finger on your chest.

"I've regretted a lot of things throughout my years, and a simple hangover the next day isn't even at the tip of my regrets"

"Oh, you don't have to remind me. You're tough as a nail"

You shook your head and chuckled at the shorter woman's statement, dismissing her "drunken confession" with the only goal of taking her back home.


You wrapped her arm around your waist, while you wrap your arm around her shoulder. Ever since you were able to take your hormonal treatment, your growth had changed significantly— which Irene admired so much.

"We're going back to your apartment, then after you sober up for a day, we'll go back to your family so you can see them. Does that sound good?"

Despite her not answering you— you helped her get inside your car, buckling her seatbelt of course.

The car ride was peaceful, with Irene, nothing had ever been awkward.

What a comedic scene this truly is, a parallel scenario in which your past self had experienced with a Bae. This time, however, it was with Irene than the other she hated the most.

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