- excuse me? -

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Also! Swearing!

I had been in my new legal studies class for a while when Danny walked over to me, "Hey" I said and continued scribbling down noted from what our professor was saying. "Aren't you bored" He asked, distracting me again. "I like taking notes", I guess we distracted our professor "HEY" He screamed from the other side of the room. I instantly looked over at him, Danny does the same. "Detention" He smiled, "no sir please I was just--" I was cut off by out professor shushing me. "No sir she really was just trying to-" Danny was also cut off by our professor, then he continued on with the lesson. "I'm sorry" I whispered to Danny, not making eye contact so it didn't look like we where talking. "It's not your fault I guess I just got too loud" He muttered while taking notes.

My last class had just finished when I remembered that I had gotten a fucking detention from legal studies, I quickly walked through groups of kids to get to the detention room just to see the teacher rostered on this time was my favourite. Mrs. Watherston, me and Danny's theatre teacher. I had been sitting in there, drawing and sometimes talking to her when I heard the door open again. I thought it was just another kid then I heard "excuse me?" From someone Infront of my desk. "Danny!" I say and pull his arm so he sat down, I gave him a quick hug then we talked a bit. After helping him with some homework I look away from the work to see Mrs. Watherston looking at us with her eyebrows raised, I quickly shake my head and mouth "no, him? Hell no". She just shakes her head and laughs, I get back to helping him. "Ugh please can we stop now" Danny asked, head down on the desk. "I mean you have done alot so I guess so" I say and look at him.

"what are you doing this weekend" He asked in a playful tone. "I don't think I have anything" I say, the statement bordering on a question. "Wanna hang out?" Danny asked, smiling. I know I should trust his smile yet something in me says, I shouldn't. "Sure" I say looking at him weirdly, he read my expression then said "dude you can trust me". I hum a response, not totally sure if I can.
"Y/n!" Mrs. Watherston raised her voice to get my attention, I quickly apologize to Danny then I walk over to her. "So what's going on between you two?" She asked. Mrs is the type of teacher that talks to you like a best friend. "Nothing, I'm pretty sure" I say genuinely not knowing if we would classify as friends. "You can go back now" she says, I guess she's satisfied with my answer. I walk over to Danny trying to balance a pen on his upper lip, "I swear you never graduated kindergarten" I laugh and sit down.

Some how detention hadn't ended yet and our conversation led in ever possible direction until Danny asked "what are you", "well for one this conversation is completely fucked and for two huh?" I say making a sort of list by pointing at my fingers. We sat in silence for a few seconds that seemed like forever "I don't know how to explain my question any further" He finally said. I heard Mrs snapping her fingers at us, signalling we could go, I pack my laptop and books. I realised I hadn't responded, "well I'm the human embodiment of  it could be worse" I say then hum at my own response as if to agree that what I've said should satisfy what he's asked. I sling my bag over one shoulder and walk away, Danny quickly caught up to me. "Bye Miss" I say smiling and walk out with Him by my side, when I hear him quietly laughing to himself. "What?" I ask him, "as we walked out I turned back to miss to say goodbye and she" Danny lost it, he was a fit of laughter and attempts in a sentence. "She flicked her finger from side to side while pointing at us and raised her eyebrows" he managed to say. "And what did you say?!" I ask him, turning around and stopping walking. "I just kind of smiled and shrugged" Danny said recreating what he had done. "Fuck" I whisper and start walking again, He held my shoulders to stop me. "What's wrong?" Danny asked, he was... worried?. "She probably think we're freaking dating or some shit because of you!" I say finally looking him in the eyes.

His eyes in the sunlight where absolutely gorgeous, golden rays of the sun always make brown eyes look amazing but his where different. My cheeks grew hot and Danny must have realised, "fuck it" he said and pulled my chin into a kiss. As the kiss grew deeper Danny pulled me closer by my waist, I heard a loud gasp and quickly turned my head. So did Danny, we look over to see Mrs. Watherston, mouth agape and glasses lowered on her nose bridge. "Oh uhm miss it's not— were not- we didn't" I was a stuttering mess, trying to figure out how to get us out of this mess. "No, I saw nothing Y/n and Danny" She said and walked over to her car. I quickly grabbed Danny's hand and pulled him around the corner with me. I look up at him, my face angry yet still blushing from the kiss. I let go of him and started pacing, I turn around to face him and ask "why?". This seems to confusing him and in result he raises an eyebrow. "Why me" I say gesturing to myself "why there, why now?! Why why why me?!" I ask flailing my arms in the air while gesturing to different things. "What do you mean why you?" Danny asked.

"Well look at you than me? Your flawless and like when you look at me there's no way not to find a flaw" I quickly say. When I panic my sentences become quick. "Darling your completely wrong, like look at you!" He said smiling and huging me. When we pull apart he holds me out at arm distance, I realise my eyes have become watery because he looks all blurry and distorted. I wipe my eyes with my hands and hug him tightly.

Bruh I need to do
"date started"
"date finished"
Cause my fish brain and short attention span be taking ages to do this stuff and think of words gah dayum.
luv u <333
- DoveTail12

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