- cuddle times -

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Danny walks in to see you on Ur bed staring at the ceiling, "hey what wrong?" He asks walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge. "Nothing" I mumble and to my surprise "darling that's not nothing" he says in that british accent, that makes my heart melt, motioning to my red face. The truth is I had been crying, "I said it's nothing!" I say happier but more assertive.

"Don't even try to tell me that's nothing, you've obviously been crying" he exclaims with raised eyebrows, he continued "hey [y/n] it's fine if you don't want to talk but just know I'm here!" He said slowly getting off the bed. "N-no don't!" I stutter "don't what darling?" He said with a small smirk, "don't leave! There I said it!" I say sitting up "I'd rather not talk about it though…" I say trailing off. What happened was you saw a video of a dog almost getting hit by a car than a existential crisis hit you harder than the car did to that dog.

"Do you want a hug?" Danny asks arms wide, "of course!" I say grabbing him on-top of me. "May I?" I ask "use your words darling" he teased, "may I play with your hair?" I said sighing. "Of course" he said with a quick squeeze, I start running my fingers through his silky, soft and absolutely gorgeous hair. 'what if I put plats into his hair?' I thought with a small giggle, after around three minutes I had plated most of his hair and wanted to show him but than I realised that he had fallen asleep. "Awh Danny I love you so much" I whisper while grabbing my phone and taking a photo of the sleepy platted Danny, I get to the plats and the very base of his hair near his neck, he starts purring. My eyes widen with excitement, 'oh gosh he's so cute… HE EVEN PURRS!' I scream internally than it finally hits me…. Danny was laying on-top of me, when the reality sunk in my heart rate went up.

**Time skip brought to you by dobby and his gl0ck**

"Darling wake up, if we sleep any longer we won't be able to sleep tonight" he said ruffling my hair. "Awh okayyyy" I groaned trying to move, "uh Danny if you want us to get up you may have to move?" I say with a laugh at the end. "Mmmph… mhmh" he mumbled into my shoulder, "you move and we get up or we get no sleep later" I say moving while playing with his hair.

"Fineee" he said rolling over, "you can have more cuddles later okay?" I say getting up. "Uh of course!" He exclaimed, the truth is I didn't want him to get off nor did I want to move at all I just wanted to sleep. "Wanna watch jjk?" He motions to the tv, "UH of course!" I say jumping back onto the bed.

Hope you lovely people
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