- hair dye -

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Today we dye his hair!

"Darling! Can I have help!" I heard Danny yell from the bathroom, "coming!!" I reply. I walk into the bathroom and see him with the gloves on "Oh god please tell me you haven't started" I say taking the gloves off of his hands gently to avoid them ripping. "What colour are you doing this time?" I ask and he hands me the box "ahh purple nice!" I admire the vibrant purple, I put some of the dye on my hands and start off with the ends of his hair. As I get closer to his roots he tenses up for a second "yeah the dye is pretty cold, sorry, I should have told you" I laugh. "It's soo purple" Danny says shock draping his voice, "yeah well I mean your hair is blonde" I say thinking it would have been obvious. I wrap a towel around his head and set a timer on my phone, "come on" he says bringing us into the room and putting music on while we wait.

"Hey I think the timer went off" Danny says getting my attention "OH yeah" I say shooting up from the bed and dragging him into the bathroom, "okay so have you ever used this brand before?" I ask him while looking at the box "no.." He says a bit quieter than usual. "Okie so, when you get in the shower try not to like touch any of the walls just make sure while your rinsing it out that it hits the floor" I say summarising the instructions "why? Normally I can" Danny asks confused "easier to clean I guess? Now go rinse it out, call me back in once your done-- OOO also probably use the black towel not any light one" I say shutting the door. After about twenty minutes I heard my name get called "Y/N, I'm done!" He called out excitedly, I walk in and freeze. He's only got the towel around his waist. Fuck. I make sure to keep eye contact with him, "okay so you've rinsed the excess dye out?" I say looking at his eyes in the mirror. "Yep" Danny replies with an expression I've never really seen on him, "you okay?" I say running my fingers through his hair to make sure.

He's sitting Infront of you, or your standing on a chair
Your choice
( Haha shortass )

"Y-yeah I'm fine" he says paying attention to me, "well yeah you washed it out perfectly! Good job love!" I say not really registering what I've just said "huh?" He says turning around to look at me. "Fuck" I curse under my breath "sorry I know we've only been together a few months, I'm so sorry" I say quickly. "No no! It's okay I've- it's just you've never called me that, I like it" he says smiling, "good!" I say moving Infront of him to get a proper look. "Okay you are done, sooo it sayssss we now just have to wait for it to dry" I say putting the box down and grabbing my phone to look at Pinterest. "I kinda wanna dye my hair red" I mutter while looking at photos of girls with red hair, "you should!" Danny responds while fiddling with his hair "but what if it looks bad" I say with a slight frown "it won't you look amazing with anything" he says reassuringly pulling me into a hug then leans his head down to my ear and adds "my love" with a grin. "You bitch, okay, I just need to find the dye" I say crouching down and ferreting through the cupboard under the sink, "found it! Now out!" I say ushering him out of the bathroom.

- time skip -

"You where right" I say playing with my hair in the mirror, "I told you you'd look good with red hair" Danny says hugging me from behind. He leans his head into the crook of my neck, planting a small kiss. "How did I end up with you" I say putting my hands on his and waddling with him still attached our of the bathroom, he pulls me down into the bed to sit on-top of him. We've had a mirror Infront of our bed for ages, I pull out my phone and take a photo in the mirror of him, head shoved into my neck and the phone covering my face.

I love you all so much please eat and drink
Remember you are valid and a gorgeous/handsome king/queen/royal
- DoveTail12

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