- if Mei says so -

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Icy cold fingers wrapped around around my waist in the darkness causing me to jump "calm down darling" I hear Danny whisper into my ear "sorry I just didn't know who it was" I say turning around. "Whatcha doing?" He asks letting go "I mean I wanted water to I went down to the kitchen so here I am" I say walking over to the top cabinets in an attempt to grab a glass "fvck" I whisper "what's up?" Danny says walking over "I can't reach it" I mumbled rubbing the back of my neck. "Do you want me to grab it?" He asked "I mean I guess, what else would you do?" I say sarcastically "I could do this" Danny said getting closer and picking me up by my waist. Tingles ran up my spine as the cold metal from his rings as he wrapped them around my waist "thanks" I say after grabbing a glass. Danny gently set me down and started to walk up the stairs "goodnight!" He whisper shouted down the stairs.

"Night!" I whisper yelled back, I stayed in the kitchen for a bit longer than went back to my room "night Arny!" I say opening and closing his door slightly. In the morning I got down the stairs to find no one was up yet well at least they hadn't gone down stairs but I started to hear noises come from upstairs. I go upstairs to hear weird screams from Arny's room, "hey Arny can I come in?" I ask still leaving the door closed "sure!" Danny says instead of Arny. I walk in to see them being idiots "what the hell are you doing?" I say laughing and leaning against the door frame, "well I'm Mort and I looove king Julian" Danny says in a voice that is creepily almost identical to Mort "no Mort get away" Arny says in a king Julian voice. "One you two are insane two what do you guys want for breakfast?" I ask still trying to contemplate whether I should stay or go.

"Waffles?" Danny suggested "Arny?" I ask just incase he wants something else "yup just waffles!" Arny replied "waffles it is!" I say turning around and walking down the stairs to make waffles, after about twenty minutes I walk halfway up the stairs and yell "WAFFLES ARE READY!" I screamed "WAFFLES FOR DOBBY?!" Danny screamed standing at the top of the stairs than started sprinting towards me "shit" I scream running into the living room. "Please Danny the food is in there I don't have it!" I say slowly walking backwards "Danny you may want to hurry before I eat all of the waffles!" Arny screamed "no!" Danny yelled running into the kitchen. "You guys need to stop screaming jeez" I say walking into the kitchen "ugh but it's fun!" Danny said eating more waffles. "Yeah but what happens when you loose your voice?" I ask starting to wash dishes, "well I guess if that happens it happens" he says shrugging his shoulders and walking over with his plate "did it taste good?" I ask grabbing his plate "of course!" He says walking back over to Arny "amazing as always" Arny says walking over to hand his plate to me "no you wash your own dishes!" I say walking away "why did you do Danny's than!" Arny whined "because he's the guest" I say grabbing the waffle maker again to make some for myself.

"What are you two doing today?" I ask taking a sip of coffee "I dunno probably stream or something" Danny said standing up "well I'm done so bye!" I say walking upstairs, "where ya going?" Arny asked as I walked towards the door "I'm just going to the corner store" I say grabbing my tote bag. "Can I come!" Danny asks standing up "of course just grab a jumper or something it's cold" I say turning around to the living room to wait. "I'm ready!" He says running down the stairs "bye Arny!" We say walking out the door, "okay just a heads-up I know the lady that works there and she has a child that hangs around there" I say fiddling with my fingers. "That's fine what's her name?" Danny asked "her names Mei" I say turning the corner "but also the lady that works there Mrs. Jay she may say some things" I say before opening the door.

"Hello Mrs. Jay!" I say walking in, "who's this young man" she says raised eyebrows "my friend Danny" I said walking into one of the aisles "friend yeah" she teased. "[Y/N]!" A small voice yelled "Mei!" I tell kneeling down into her hug "what's your boyfriend's name~" she said pulling away "that's Danny" I say standing up. "Come on we need to keep shopping" I say grabbing his arm to drag him, after a while we where done shopping. "Have fun with your boyfriend Danny!" Mei yelled waving at us "bye Mei!" I tell back closing the door, "so I'm now referred to as your boyfriend?" Danny teased "well I mean if Mei says so I guess your my boyfriend now" I say shrugging my shoulders as we turn the corner. "Well I mean if I'm your boyfriend now" he says putting his hand around my waist, god those cold rings around my waist felt so good. I didn't even realised I tensed up until "hey are you okay?" Danny asked before we got home "yeah of course!" I say walking inside "HEY ARNY WERE HOME!" I scream.

"Hey lovebirds what did you buy this time?" Army teased "well I got stuff for me and Danny and I got you these" I say shoving the third bag into his hands, "come on boyfriend" I winked at Danny to confuse Arny "okay darling" Danny said taking my hand. Once we got to my room and shut the door I couldn't stop laughing "dude did you see the look on his face!" I laughed "mm" he replied looking deep in thought. "What's up" I say walking over to him "nothing" Danny responded, "hmm I don't believe you" I said getting closer "hugs?" I ask but to my surprise he instantly pulls down to the bed and starts hugging me. "Hey you okay?" I say after a while "well I just" Danny mumbled "come on please tell me?" I ask "I just wanted to ask something" he continues "could we be more than" Danny stopped. "Please just say it" I say hugging him tighter "could we be more than friends" he quickly spat out, "of course!" Is all I could get out before he kissed me.

Sorry this took
So long lmao
- DoveTail12

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