- alarm -

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"I hate you!" I yelled out of my door after my alarm went off on my phone that he set. "I know you love me" Danny yelled back, "why did you even set that alarm" I ask walking into his room "I dunno I wanted to annoy you" he shrugged. "Imma go get dressed" I say walking back, "when I come back I better have coffee because you set an alarm!" I screamed. After destroying my closet and having 50% of it on the floor, I chose a outfit. "Coffee?" I ask walking down The stairs "here" Danny said passing me the mug, once I finished drinking it I walked over to put the mug in the sink.

- time skip brought to you by Danny's plushie army -

"If you set another alarm I swear to god I'll kill you" I glare at him walking into the bathroom, "whatcha doing" he says walking over to the bathroom "facemask" I continued "wanna try?" I ask turning away from the mirror to look at him "eh sure but what about my hair it'll get in the mask" Danny said gesturing to his hair "here" I say handing him a cat headband. He looks shocked but also happy "okay" he laughed, "it's so cold" Danny said putting the mask on "I mean it's ment to be" I shrug. After a about three minutes of waiting for them to be done I walk back into the bathroom to see him laying on the floor, "you good" I laugh "I'm so bored because I don't wanna get the mask 'stuff' in or on my stuff" he laughed "can I braid your hair?" I ask sitting down. Danny's hair actualy looked good braided, "you look good" I say spinning him around to face the mirror

"Why thank you" Danny says tilting his head in different directions to see the braid, "no problem!" I say smiling "gosh your smile" Danny muttered under his breath. "Huh" I turn around "nothing!" He says quickly, racing out of the bathroom "oi come back!" I raise my voice as I chase after him "you'll never catch me" Danny said spreading around another corner. After a few minutes of searching Ive completely lost him "fvck" I say breathlessly, where the hell is he, I rack my brain for possible hiding places. I reach the kitchen counter and go to pull out my phone when I fell someone breathing down my neck "hey" he says slipping into the British accent "stop" I quickly say unlocking my phone "stop what?" Danny says backing up "that accent, it's unfair" I turn around.

"How is an accent unfair?" He chuckles "cause it just is" I continue "like how am I ment to say no to that?!" I say quickly putting my arms up and down. "So you can't say no to me?" Danny said moving closer, his voice laced with the accent "nuh uh" I cross my arms and turn my head to the side. "Darling look me in the eyes when we speak" he says tilting my chin back, my face flushed red as I realised how close our faces are. "Why, the only reason you like looking me dead in the eyes is to make me flustered" I pout "well that's would be taking the fun out of it because your cute when your flustered" Danny's eyes trail across my face. "Fvck your gorgeous" he said as his thumb grazed my jaw "your not so bad yourself" I say pulling back, no point though because he pulled me closer than before, "may I" Danny whispered as his eyes went from mine to my lips. The only thing I managed to do was nod before he pulled me in for a kiss.

Hope you enjoyed!
Hey omg Im sorry I was gone for so long!
Remember to eat and drink
- DoveTail12
( I forgot the emoji combo lmao)

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