Jessi Snowterview

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Sickie: Soobin

Caretaker: Jessi

Soobin p.o.v

I was honored when I got a text from Jessi noona asking me if I'd like to do a solo appearance on Showterview. It was late December and she said it was a Christmas/New Year special. I woke up the morning of the interview and was super disappointed when I felt achy, tired, congested, and had a scratchy feeling in my throat. I decided against saying anything because I was so excited to do the interview. Plus the excitement from the interview helped when added to the excitement of it being snowy and beautiful out. On the way to the studio it had started snowing harder, I love snow so I enjoyed the walk there, ignoring Yeonjun's repeated suggestions to not walk, claiming I'd get sick. I wanted to tell him that it didn't matter because I was already sick, but I knew he'd likely tell me to not go to the interview.

I arrived at the studio, feeling quite excited, the minute I walked it Jessi noona ran up to me. "Soobin!!!" She gave me a huge hug, I tried to stop myself from melting into it, I felt thoroughly chilled from my walk there. "Oh my God Soobin, did you walk here?" She asked, a stern tone in her voice. I felt my face heat up, it felt like I was getting scolded by my mom or older sister. "Yeah, I really love the snow" she shook her head, "you're going to get sick"

"Don't worry noona, I'm okay" I said smiling, hoping my dimpled charm would distract her. Meanwhile, I had told refrain from sniffling, as my nose had started running as soon as I had entered the warm studio. "Are you ready to start?"

"Just a minute, I have to use the bathroom"  I left the room, and quickly went to the bathroom, once inside I grabbed a handful of tissues and blew my nose, which triggered a wet sneeze. I blew my nose again, as best as I could, trying to get it as clear as possible before going back out. I then tucked a handful of tissues into my sweatshirt pocket before returning to the main room where Jessi noona was waiting. "You ready now?" I nodded, my throat was starting to really hurt, I was starting to wish I had rescheduled the interview. The two of us began recording every question she asked. I tried to respond with the same playful wittiness that Jessi noona had, but as the interview continued it got harder and harder as I got more and more tired and my voice began giving out. We had been recording file about 20 minutes when Jessi turned to the staff, "can we turn off the cameras for a second'' I was confused as told why, but as soon as the cameras were off, she went to the corner of the room and grabbed a box of tissues, and handed them to me, I blushed and took a few, I didn't want to fully blow my nose because I was a bit embarrassed, but the sensation still tickled my nose, and I took another few tissues, "HHttcchUH HHTChHU-HhtcHUuh HHitChh-Shu"

"Bless you" I thanked her, blowing my nose again. "Soobin, are you sick?" I avoided eye contact, "no" I winced at my unconvincing lie, noticing how congested my voice sounded. "Are you sure?" I wanted to answer but coughed instead, which really hurt. "Soobin, you're in no condition to continue filming" I blushed, but the embarrassment only grew when she suddenly pressed her hand to my forehead, I felt myself leaning into her touch, her hands were cold. "Soobin, you have a fever"

"I do?" "Yes, and not a super low one, it's fairly high" "Oh" was all I said, "that would explain why I felt so cold and achy" she shook her head in exasperation.  "You can't walk back in this condition" she looked out the window, "especially with snow like this" "Should I call someone" she looked out the window again, "no, it's not safe to drive in this weather. My place is literally two minutes from here, you can go there you can just stay with me for a little while" I blushed, "okay" She stood up, "did you bring anything?" I shook my head, "please tell me you have a coat" "Yep"

"Good." She grabbed her jacket from the back of a chair, and instructed me to put mine on. I followed her instructions. The two of us left the studio together, she locked the door as she did so. Walking felt like hard work, I was tired and breathing hurt, and my throat was dry. And every time I coughed I could feel it rip at my throat and hurt my chest, which began to ache. Jessi seemed quite worried,she had a comforting arm around my shoulders. She led me to the front door of her house, only removing her arm for a moment to unlock the door. After opening the door, she led me inside, and over to the couch. "you can lay down there" she took my coat and hung it up. "Do you like tea?" I nodded. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head. "Is your throat hurting?" I nodded, it really hurt and I didn't really want to talk, and Jessi seemed to accept that. She also seemed to notice that I was shivering, "I should check your temperature, I'm willing to bet your fever is at least 100⁰" in my feverish, sleep deprived brain I barely registered what she said. But I did notice her leave the room, she retired a few moments later with a box of tissues, a thermometer, and a bottle of what I guessed was DayQuil. She sat down on the couch next to me, "could you put this under your tongue?" I nodded, and did as she instructed. "You're 22 right" I shook my head and held up 1 finger. "21?" I nodded she carefully measured out the medicine, and once the thermometer beeped she swapped the device for the medicine cup, "drink that" the Medicine felt nice on my throat, coating and soothing the firey pain.  "Thought so" she said looking at the thermometer, "what is it?" I asked, noticing I had grown more congested since we got inside. The warmth of her house was messing with my sinuses. "101.3⁰" I nodded, honestly, I had no clue what that actually was, I knew Kai would, but I don't speak American. "Is that high?" I asked, taking a tissue out and pressing it to my nose. She shrugged, "it's definitely a fever, but it's not like concerningly high. Not like hospital high" I nodded, blowing my nose when she finished talking. Which one again tickled my nose, "HHTchhUu- hhHettChhu- hhhTCH-iu hhhAtChu" "Bless you" she handed me a couple tissues, I thanked her and took them from her outstretched hand. I still felt a bit self-conscious about fully blowing my nose in front of her. So I just pressed the tissues against my face, and wiped my nose and blew softly, as I had down before. She shocked me when she took another tissue out and pressed it against my face, "either blow your nose yourself, or I'll make you" I blushed, a bit taken aback by her boldness. I took the tissue from her hand and blew my nose, I ended up needing to take another few tissues to finish. She cringed, not in disgust, but more in sympathy. "There, now you can breathe" I blushed, and nodded. I felt a bit embarrassed having Jessi taking care of me, but I did appreciate it.

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