Leader Down

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Sickie: Jihyo
Caretaker: Tzuyu, Nayeon

Jihyo p.o.v
"good morning unnie"

"Morning Tzuyu, how did you sleep?"

"good, how about you?"

"not fantastic, a lot of tossing and turning"

"just not tired?"

"I couldn't get comfy, I think I was really sore from dance practice so my muscles were hurting"

“did you take something?”

“I didn’t think of it”

I shake my head, I love Jihyo, she’s the best leader but sometimes she spends to much time caring about is and doesn’t take care of herself. It’s kinda concerning. My concern only grew when she turned away from me and sneezed twice softly. ¨bless you unnie, are you okay?¨

¨I´m alright¨ I was a bit concerned, I know my unnie doesn't have any allergies and she doesn't often just sneeze, so I began to grow concerned that she might be getting sick.

Nayeon p.o.v

I was finishing getting ready in the bathroom when Jihyo walked in.

¨hi unnie¨

¨Hey Jihyo, are you okay? You sound sort of sick?¨

¨yaheshu- ehashu- ehatshu- Im ok¨

¨are you sure? That didnt sound very ¨ok¨ to me¨

¨Yeah, dont worry about me unnie¨ I frowned slightly, before gently pressing my hand to her forehead. ¨You´re a little bit warm.¨

she pushed my hand away, ¨Im fine, I just didnt sleh-eahchu-ackshu-ahtshu-¨
¨Jihyo, go back to bed¨

¨No, unnie Im fine¨

¨no you arent, I know you're going to say something ¨Im the leader¨ or something like that, but I dont care, You are sick, go back to bed¨

¨but we have our schedules today¨

¨I don´t care, Jeongyeon isn't going to our schedules today, Ill ask her if shes okay taking care of you¨
I dont need someone to ta-ahechu-heachu-heh-EtChu- *sniff* I dont need someone to take care of me Im not si-heh-ick¨ she said ending her sentence with a loud sniff. ¨Do you need a tissue?¨ I asked softly, using my understanding unnie voice.

Her strong, tough, leader persona begins to crumble. she sighs, before turning away from me. ¨hesteachu-heatchu-ehtech-¨

¨unnie, please, go rest, you look sick and you keep sn-¨


¨unnie, I mean it, you´re sick, come with me¨


¨you're going back to bed¨ she went to argue, but she stopped, ¨ok, fine, I do feel really awful¨ I gently wrap my arms around her, and pull her into a hug.

¨its alright, lets get you to bed¨ I half carry her to her room and tuck her into her bed. ¨sleep, Im skipping our schedules today, Ill take care of you¨

¨thank you unnie, I really appreciate this¨

¨its no problem, you always take such good care of us, Im just returning the favor¨

kpop sickficsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ