Canada "bros"

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(I just liked this idea for a title it has pretty much nothing to do with the fic)

Sickie: Jacob
Caretaker: Kevin

Jacob p.o.v

I had just finished packing up the last of my clothing. I was so excited to head back to Canada. It was the first time I was going on vacation with Kevin, non-platonically.  Last weekend Kevin had surprised me with tickets to go to Canada. "Cobbie? You finished packing?" Kevin peeked into my room. "Just finished"

"are you excited?" He asked, coming fully into the room hugging me from behind. "Very excited, did you finish packing?"

"almost, I was wondering if you had seen my red hoodie, the one that has Canada on it in white letters?"

"not sure, you could ask Juyeon, he might know, he helped me with my laundry"

"alright" he placed a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. "When you're done, do you want to stay in my room, because tomorrow we need to wake up early enough to head to the airport."

"sounds like a plan" he said before leaving the room. He returned about 25 minutes later, sweatshirt slung over his arm, and dragging his suitcase behind him.

~time skip~

Jacob's p.o.v

The two of us landed in Canada together, it was only 4pm, but we were both tired, it had been a long day of traveling. "Should we check into our hotel?" Kevin asked, the two of us had masks over our faces. "Yeah, I'm kinda tired"

"me too" I rubbed at my eyes, they felt dry and a tiny bit itchy, but I guessed that was from being tired. The two of us left the airport, and taking a taxi to the hotel. Once at the hotel we checked in, and went up to the room. The room was small but nice and cute, it had a cozy and romantic vibe.

The next morning we hadn't set an alarm or made any plans, we just wanted to have a relaxing day. Without schedules, or a company breathing on our necks every second.

We had planned on going to a park for a late spring picnic at lunch time, but besides that we didn't have much planned. We spent a lazy morning of cuddling, and Kevin dancing around to Beyonce music.

About 2:30 the two of us got dressed and left the hotel. Once we stepped outside I was a bit shocked by how warm it was, considering it was May in Canada. And while I was excited that it was warm, because I loved the sunshine, I also wasn't super fond of it, because I also could tell that because of the warmer weather, the flowers would be blooming more, and I could feel the tickle in my nose and the slight burning in my eyes as we walked towards the park. Kevin and I walked close, but not too close, not wanting people to know that we are dating. We didn't care if people saw us together. All of our fans knew we are close friends so we didn't care if we went out in public together.

During the entire walk to the park, my nose had grown more and more itchy, and my eyes had started to sting a bit. Once the two of us had set up our area, we started to eat, Kevin and I bantered back and forth, enjoying each other's company with a rare amount of privacy. At one point the tickly feeling in my nose came to the forefront, I turned away from Kevin "hhhnt-CHU-hhht-CHUh-"

"oh! Bless you" I sniffled lightly and rubbed at my nose "thank you" he brushed some hair off of my face, I knew he was trying to check for a fever. He knows that the only time I sneeze more than once in a row is when I'm either sick or my allergies are acting up.

I continued the conversation, trying to act like nothing happened, knowing that if he knew my allergies were acting up he would go in to protective boyfriend mode. But before long I had to constantly keep my hand pressed to my nose, trying to keep the itch at bay.

"Jacob?  Are you crying?" His voice distracted me from my nose, and brought attention to my eyes. I brushed under them, "no, just a bit tired from jetlag"

"are you sure about that?" He asked, voice laced with disbelief. He reached out and gently brushed under my eyes with his hand. And he just brushed my nose just right, and it was sensitive enough, that I had to turn away from him. "hhngt-CHU- heh- nngtCHU- hht-CHuH-"

"bless you" I thanked him, with my hand still over my face, reaching in to the bag to take out the napkins we brought and tidied up my face. "Jacob, what's going on? Are you sick?" I hesitated, if I said no, he'd know it was my allergies and he'd drag me home. If he thought I was sick, he'd also drag me home. "I'm not sick" I cringed at home stuffed up I sounded. "Allergies?" I nodded, rubbing under my itchy nose. "Did you take anything this morning?" 

"I didn't know itd be this b-ahh-hngtchU- ngtcHU-" he cringed in sympathy, and handed me a napkin. I blew my nose, cringing slightly at the wetness. "Do you want to go home?"

"no, I want to have my date with you" 

"But, I don't want you to be miserable."

"Kev, being sneezy, and itchy, does not mean I'm miserable. Honestly I'm kinda used to it." 

He looked a bit unsure, "I'm serious Kev"

"fine, but I don't want to keep you here, this area is covered with plants, let's go into the town more with less plants" I wanted to roll my eyes at his overprotectiveness, but I didn't because I knew he was just being sweet. "Alright, let's go" the two of us packed up our things, having long finished eating. "I know a good ice cream shop pretty near by, if you want dessert. It fight feel good on our throat" I smiled, thinking it was so sweet that he remembered how itchy and irritated my throat gets when my allergies are super bad.

The two of us began walking through the town. Kevin hadn't stopped looking at me concerned, but at the same time, he didn't make any comments. The two of us walked into the ice cream shop, and after we ordered we sat down. Two teenage girls came over to us.

"h-hey, I'm Leah, and this is Maddy. We, we um.. we're big fans of The Boyz."

"thank you, it's always nice to meet The B" Kevin said smiling at the two girls. "Is it just the two of you? Or is all of the Boyz in Canada?"

"just the two of us. We felt a bit homesick"

"can we get a picture with you guys?" One of the girls, (Maddy I think?) asked. "Sure thing" the four of us stood together, and the girl who had first approached us took a selfie. "Thank you!!!" The two girls said together. "You're welcome!" The two girls walked away, waving to us as they went.

As soon as they were out of earshot, I buried my face into the crook of my elbow. "HhtchU- ngtcHU- hnghtCHU- hhtcHU-"

"bless you, you okay?"

"yeah, I was just trying not to sneeze in front of them" he nodded, reaching across the table and brushing something off my face. "If we weren't in public right now, I'd totally kiss you" he said, with a playful smirk. I rolled my eyes at the younger. I was used to his teasing. Whenever we went anywhere together he'd constantly ask me if he could kiss me. Which I told him no every time. Not wanting our relationship to be public. But that didn't stop him from constantly asking, and joking about kissing me as if no one else was there.

After the two of us finished we left the shop together, "what do you want to do now?" Kevin asked, looking around, and then slipping his hand in mine. "I kind of w-hh- hhngt-CHU- ngtcHU- hhtcHu- *sniff* want to go, I'm tired, and I'm starting to get a headache from my stuffy nose"

"sure thing babe" he looked around again, before gently kissing my cheek. The two of us went back to the hotel. "You should shower and change, that way you can get all the pollen off of you"

Once I finished showering Kevin took his turn, saying something along the the lines of not being able to cuddle me because he didn't want to give me an allergic reaction 

the two of us cuddled for the majority of the rest of the day, Kevin made no comment about the sneezing, even though he likely was annoyed.

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