Johnten (no title ideas 😔)

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Sickie: Ten

Caretaker: Johnny (wayv)

Ten p.o.v

All day I felt sort of off, I don't know how else to explain it. And it seemed like I wasn't the only one who noticed, because in the past 15 minutes, 4/7 of the Wayv members have asked me if I'm okay. I had given the same answer to each of them, "I think so" Each of them had given me the same confused, and questioning look, but in all honesty, I didn't know what else to say.

Xiaojun p.o.v

I was standing in the corner of the studio with Yangyang, Winwin, nd Hendery. The four of us discussed Ten, "is he okay?"

"I have no clue, he's acting strange”

“is he sick?”

“I feel like he could be, it at least would explain why hes acting so strange.”

“we could call Johnny, he can at least give us an idea of what to do.”

Just as I pulled out my phone to call Johnny, I heard a soft gasp come from Ten, he had a strange look on his face, like he was focusing on something,

“are you okay?” Lucas, who was standing closest to Ten, had asked. instead of answering Ten turned away, “hih-hitchieH-itchieu-hih-tchi-” He turned back, and cleared his throat and rubbed at his nose. “Ten, I think you might be sick” Lucas pressed his hand to the older member’s forehead. Ten shook his head. “I’ve been fine all day”

“You have been kinda spaced out, and you said you felt a bit strange, which might be your body telling you to take a break” Ten stubbornly shook his head, and insisted he was fine, which would have been more believable, if his voice hadn’t cracked halfway through, and forced him into a harsh coughing fit.

Yangyang turned to me, “call Johnny, and tell him to pick up Ten, he’s not going to get any better if he stays here, and he’s too stubborn to take a break by himself, and he’ll hopefully listen to Johnny.” he said it just loud enough for me to hear, so that ten couldn’t protest.

Johnny p.o.v

I was lying on the couch, watching tv, enjoying a rare day off, when my phone started ringing with a call from Xiaojun. “hey hyung”

“hey, what’s up?”

“wayv is in the practice room right now, and Ten is sick, could you come take him home, he’s being stubborn and won’t listen to us, and we think he’d listen to you.”

“how sick?”

“he just has a cold, but we’re worried that if he doesn’t rest now, it could easily turn into something much worse.” I felt relieved to hear that, meanwhile in the background, I heard a few painful sounding coughs, and a high-pitched sneezed, I recognized as belonging to my boyfriend, “I’ll be there in a few minutes”

“thanks hyung”

“no problem”

Once I arrived, I went to the room that Xiaojun instructed me to. I entered, not worrying about knocking, and waved at the members, before heading over to my boyfriend, who was sitting down, pouting. I went over to him and crouched down in front of him. “hey baby”

“Johnny, what are you doing here!!?”

“I wanted to see my boyfriend, what’s wrong with that?”he gave me a skeptical look. “which one of them called you?”

“Xiaojun” he rolled his eyes, but there was a ghost of a smile on his lips. “he said you were sick.”

“I wouldn’t say I’m sick, but I think I might be getting there”

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