Eat my Dust

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Sickie: Scoups

Caretaker: seventeen

Seungcheol p.o.v

There were seven full boxes of costumes, and everyone was searching through the piles of objects looking for their perfect item. There was a typically chaotic vibe, and I was trying to hurry them, "guys, we're supposed to go live in 9 minutes! Let's try and hurry" I glanced at my watch, and startled when there was an object dropped on my head. "I found this hat, you should wear it" Seungkwan said, adjusting the large hat. I glanced in one of the large practice mirrors and nodded, "looks great" I adjusted it, before the 13 of us sat down. "You guys ready to start" our manager asked, once we had fully settled. I looked around, seeing that everyone was.either nodding are giving some form of affirmative response. "Ready!" I said giving a thumbs up.Right before the camera started rolling I noticed that there was a small tickly feeling in the back of my nose. I rubbed at it with the back of my hand roughly hoping to get rid of it before the live started. But, with no such luck, the live started and I still had the feeling in my nose. I tried to ignore it for as long as physically possible. Every once in a while rubbing at my nose to tame the itch as much as I possibly could. At some point the tickly feeling became the main focus of my mind as I had to almost physically force myself from sneezing. I kept sniffling and rubbing my nose.

Joshua p.o.v

During the whole vlive I kept hearing sniffling coming from next to me. I glanced over at me, and was shocked to see that it had been Seungcheol. I was shocked, the oldest was very rarely sniffly. And being next to him, I could see that there was a pinkish tinge around his nose and eyes. I was busy laughing at something Seungkwan had said, when I heard a soft gasp from Seungcheol, I glanced over and saw the older had clasped his hand over his mouth. "HHEETSHSU- HHEETCHU" the oldest jumped up, keeping his hand half covering his face.

Seungcheol p.o.v

It became quite irritating, and no matter how much I scrubbed at my itchy nose, it just didn't stop tickling. It eventually got to he point where I knew I needed to sneeze. I clasped my hand over my mouth and nose and finally sneezed, but even that wasn't enough, and then doubled over with another harsh, and slightly painful sneeze. Even after that, there still the strong tickly feeling, I stood up quickly and left the screen, desperately needing to blow my nose. Praying that it would at least lessen the itch. I looked around behind the camera, not able to find any tissues, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Wonwoo holding a handful of tissues out to me. I thanked the younger, he nodded smiling.

Before moving to sit back down. I didn't want to fully blow my nose because the camera was still going. After I softly blew my nose, the itch, that had still been somewhat present, seemed to fully activate again. "HHHSSTCHU" Joshua looked over at me. 'could they hear that?' I mouthed, pointing at the camera. He nodded. I huffed, which caused the tickle to come back. I didn't want to sneeze again, so I pinched my nose and scrubbed at it so hard that it hurt. But it did keep me from sneezing again. I quickly moved to sit back down. Not missing the concerned looks from multiple different members. The vlive continued without incident, unless you count the fairly consistent itchy feeling in my nose.

Once the camera was finally off, I stood up and went straight over to the tissue box our manager had set on a table. I took a couple out and blew my nose. Which caused my nose to tickle even more. "HHHSTCHUU- TTCHUSHYU- HHT-CHUH- HTCHUYU–" A combined "Bless you hyung" came front he other twelve members. I thanked them, and rubbed at my eyes, which had grown quite itchy. "Hyung are you okay?" Sooyoing asked, his face mirrored the concern that was on nearly everyone's face. "I'm alright" I sniffled, and took another tissue out and swiped under my nose, which was now running badly. "Hyung, is your rhinitis acting up?" Chan asked, which I could understand why they wondered. I don't often get sneezy, infact I rarely sneeze, unless my rhinitis has been triggered. I couldn't even think of what it could be, so I shrugged. "I think I'm just a bit sneezy, sometimes people just sneeze" "Yeah, sometimes, but not you. You like never sneeze…. Like ever" Mingyu said, the others nodded in agreement. I went to argue, but instead I snapped forward with a harsh fit of sneezes. Each one felt itchy and painful.

Wonwoo p.o.v

I cringed as Seungcheol hyung repeatedly sneezed, each one sounded quite painful. But as he did so, the hat he had been wearing during the vlive had fallen off. And I noticed a cloud of dust flew off of it as it did so. This seemed to trigger a couple more sneezes from the leader, along with two quick sneezes from Mingyu, which confirmed my theory. Both of them were sensitive to dust, but it set off Seungcheol more than anything else, and seriously triggered his rhinitis. "Hyung, I think your allergies might be acting up" he stubbornly shook his head, while rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. "I'm just a bit sneezy today"

"Hyung… you can't argue with logic" I picked up the hat from the ground, the oldest had barely even noticed it fall. I brushed the back of my hand over the hat, and there was no missing the cloud of dust that blew off of it. "HHTCHU- HHH-HITCHU-HHRHTCH-H HHTCHHU- HHITCHHI-IKXTCHU"

"Bless you" Vernon and Mingyu cringed in sympathy as the oldest member miserably blew his nose and sniffled wetly. "Still insisting nothing is wrong?" Joshua asked, walking over to the leader and gently patting his shoulder. Seungcheol sighed in defeat, "at least it explains why nose was itching the entire vlive"

"Why don't we head back to the dorm and you can shower and take some allergy medicine, it'll help" Jeonghan suggested, going over and putting his arm around the leader's shoulders. Seungcheol nodded, "please, my nose is so itchy and my eyes are burning so b-hh-HhCHuU- HHTChHU- *sniffle* bad." The leader was so preoccupied with his nose, that he didn't notice the sympathetic and concerned looks from his donsaengs. It only took a simple 'let's go hyung' for Seungcheol to leave, but not before he tucked the box of tissues under his arm.

Seungcheol p.o.v

Once we returned to the dorm I was ushered towards the bathroom with clear instructions to shower. Once I had finished I was met in the hallway by Jeonghan, a glass of water and an allergy pill in his hands. I swallowed it down, and rubbed my eyes, which no longer felt like someone had injected them with poison ivy, but still stung. "I'm going to sleep, all this sneezing is tiring and my eyes feel dry and heavy" Jeonghan nodded, and ruffled my hair, "sleep well Cheol"

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