not allergies

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Sickie: Sunghoon

Caretaker: en- (mainly Jake)

Sunghoon p.o.v

"Bye Wonyoung, see you on Friday!" I called waving to her as I left. "bye Sunghoon oppa, have a good night" she waved back. I headed towards the car, my manager had texted me five minutes beforehand letting me know he was here. It was a fairly warm night, but I still shivered, feeling usually cold. My nose started running after being in the air, which wasn't cold, but it was cooler than it had been in the warm studio with all the lights. I rubbed at my nose with the back of my hand, and sniffled. My nose had grown more itchy as the congestion had shifted. I got to the car and greeted my manager. The entire ride back to the dorms I kept my hand pressed to my nose, trying to keep it from running too much. My manage seemed to notice my predicament and explained to me that there were tissues in the seat pocket. I blushed, but took a few out and ran them under my nose, which did very little  to actually help with the itchy sensation, and instead just made me need to sneeze. I stiled the sneezes into total silence, which caused the pressure that had been slowly building behind my eyes to spike. I winced at the feeling, but was glad to be rid of the tickle. Once I had gotten out of the car and my manager had driven away, I took some of the tissues from my pocket, finally able to fully blow my nose. Afterwards I went up to our dorms, I felt super tired, I couldn't wait to collapse in bed. I secretly wished that I had to MC tomorrow, because I could sleep in a bit more, but instead I was a filming a schedule with the members, and while I always had fun at filmings, I was not looking forward to getting up at 6AM the next day. I trudged to the bathroom and took a quick shower, the warm water seemed to loosen the congestion even more and my nose was running even more than before, it made my nose even more itchy as the congestion loosened. "Hhngtch- hhntchhu- nngtchuuh hhhtchhu" i stifled the sneezes, not wanting to wake up the members because it was pretty late and I knew they were likely already asleep. After my shower I moved towards the shared room, quietly getting in bed, thankful that none of the members woke up. And I fell asleep merely seconds after my head hit the pillow.
Too soon was Jungwon shaking me awake, explaining we had to leave in 20 minutes. I nodded, but took notice of how the congestion from the night before was still heavy in my nose and chest. I felt like shit, but I still climbed out of bed, getting dressed and heading downstairs to the living room, where Jungwon met me, "hyung! Have you become a turtle!? You never are this slow" he handed some breakfast to me, and ussured me to the car. I ended up next to Jake and Sunoo. I knew that both of them were fairly observent, so I had a feeling it wouldn't take long for them to notice that something was off. And sure enough after only about five minutes I felt Sunoo nudge me, I looked over at the younger pressed a couple of tissues into my hand. I hadn't even realized I was sniffling until he did so. I didn't want to fully blow my nose with all the members in the car, but I did use them to wipe away the moisture underneath. My nose had started itching at some point, but I really didn't want to sneeze, and so far I had done a pretty good job at keeping the tickle at bay. That was until we were only about 2 minutes away from the filming location, when the tickly sensation became overwhelming, and I painfully stiled a set of sneezes. I didn't think anyone would notice because they had been silent, but apparently Jake had seen me, because I heard a bless you come from him. And then he leaned over and softly spoke "you shouldn't stifle your sneezes"

"I know, I just always have, it's become a habit" I said, nervously rubbing the back of my neck. Jake nodded. Very shortly after the exchange we arrived at the filming location, once we did our manage sent us to get our make up and outfits. While we did so they explained that Jay and Niki would film first then Jake and I. And then Heeseung, Sunoo and Jungwon would be the last. As Jay and Niki filmed, Jake and I got our makeup done. Apparently with my nose being so stuffy, it had also gotten very itchy and sensitive. And the makeup brush kept tickling my nose, and I had to sneeze 12 times in the 20 minute span I was getting my makeup done. Each time Jake would bless me, and remind me to stop stifling. And by the 8th or 9th sneezed I had actually stopped.

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