Sickie Minnie

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Sickie: Taemin
Caretaker: Kai+Lucas
(Tw? Germaphobic Lucas)

Taemin p.o.v

“can you just like, not breathe until I leave” Lucas says standing in the doorway of the room. “wow, thank you so much for your sympathy” I said rolling my eyes, but smiling “yeah no problem hyung” he says as he goes to the shared closet and takes a hoodie “why are you even here? I thought you guys went to the studio”

“they did, I was staying to hang out with you, I didn’t know you were sick”

“neither did I, I felt fine last night”

“maybe it’s a fast moving virus and you’ll be better by tomorrow”

“I sure h-h--etshu-hheshu-etesshu-I sure hope so” I said clearing my throat, which had adopted the feeling of eating nails. Lucas cringed, but I could see the sympathy in his eyes. “do you want me to call your boyfriend?”

“No, I’ll just wait for him to get back” He gave me a skeptical look. “alright. You should rest, you don’t want to get worse” He gave me a sympathetic smile, turning to a grimace when I coughed. “hyung, you should really cover your mouth” he said, sounding a bit nervous. I felt bad for my younger member, he clearly wanted to be helpful and I could tell he wasn’t trying to be harsh, I also knew that he’s always been a bit cautious and even nervous around people when they are sick. I apologized to the younger and gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned. “I’m sorry that you don’t feel good hyung, do you need anything?” I thought for a second. “can you grab the box of tissues from the bathroom?” he nodded and left the room, returning a moment later, tissue box in one hand, a flu pill and water bottle in the other. He moved towards the bed, sensing his nervousness I scooted over to the other side of the bed and turned away from him. He set the things down. “take the medicine and get some sleep”

“thanks Lucas”

“no problem hyung”

Kai p.o.v

Taeyong, Ten and I were working on the choreography (kind of, actually it was a lot more of just messing around) Mark and Baekyun sat in the corner. Originally i think they had been taking notes on the choreography, but now they had turned their notes into paper airplanes, which kept flying over our heads, occasionally hitting one of us. There was a playful aura in the room. We didn’t have any schedules, and our comeback was still a few months away, currently we were just spending time (supposedly) getting some work done. The one, well actually two, things missing were my boyfriend and my “brother” they had stayed at the dorms. Taemin had still been asleep, and Lucas said he wanted some “dad and son bonding time” I brushed my sweaty bangs off of my face. “I’m gonna call Tae and Lucas and find out if they want to come hang out”
"tell them to bring food when they come” Baekyun says as he lazily flicks an airplane across the room, where it hits Ten in the back of his head. Who lets out an annoyed noise. Taeyong and Mark both laugh at him. I find myself laughing at their antics as I go over to my bag and pull my phone out. My brow creasing in concern when I see a text from Lucas. “your boyfriend is sick. He doesn’t know I texted you. He said he was fine” I felt bad for not noticing the older being sick. I was in bed with him all last night, how had I not noticed?

“hey guys” they all looked over at me “Lucas just texted me, Taeminnie is sick. I’m gonna go take care of him” with just those words I watched Taeyong go full leader mode. “oh shit. text Lucas and tell him he can come here and that you are on your way” he didn’t sound panicked or stressed, but he did sound very concerned. I passed the information on over text. “is everything okay?” I asked noticing how the three nct members all had nervous looks. “Lucas has always been super nervous about germs. It stresses him out when others, or himself are sick”

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