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The three women stared at the other nine people before them. They all ignored the beautiful sight around them. The valleys were surrounded by walls as strong as the walls that protected Troy. Apartment buildings and homes stood proudly and in disarray. The laughter of children and adults alike met together like the harmonies of a song.

But these nine people ignored that and stared at the women in front of them confused. They had an important choice to make. And none of them looked too excited about it.

"Are you sure this will work?" one of the girls asked.

"Yeah. Don't you think this will make it worse?" one of the boys asked.

"We know what we are doing," the three women spoke in unison.

"How will this work?" asked another.

"You will come back. Your job will be to help the children that come after you. But more importantly, help him to come to terms with everything that's happened."

They all looked at each other and nodded. They would do whatever it took to help their friend.

"We accept," they bowed.

"Good," the three women spoke.

Instead of laughter being heard, loud echoing screams from afar were produced and a bright, golden light encased the area.

Prince Perseus Jackson of OlympusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora