something beeped and luke looked up. both him and harry spotted the black phone and luke was quick to answer. he motioned for harry to get the others and the younger promptly complied, calling the others.

"what is it?" the women called lydia asked. luke put the phone on speaker. deaken's voice was whispering on the other end "we have a problem. we can see the two, they looked scared but otherwise i don't think they're hurt." harry sighed in relief. at least one good thing.

"here's the problem. there's too many guards. we already knocked out four on our way down but we can't handle all of them." daniel explained, whispering like deaken.

"fuck." luke cursed and then asked "how many guards are there?" there was a little silence before deaken responded "about ten. maybe more but we can't see all that much."

"we'll send johnny and lydia in. but it'll take another ten minutes." luke decided. louis spoke up and argued  "we don't have that much time. it's almost midnight." harry could see everyone frown. an idea formed in his head.

"how about we take me as a distraction. it's me that they want right?" he suggested. luke tilted his head and replied "please elaborate." while passing johnny and lydia their equipment and guns.

"they want me right? well, i'll just go then and tell them i'm here to get exchanged and distract them for as long as i can until mel and lea are out. then i say 'haha just a joke' and dip." louis snorted and johnny tilted his head in confusion.

"you know, that's likely to get you killed right. then we can just hand you to them, easier that way." he said.

"i'm not planning on dying today, thank you though." harry snapped and johnny put his hands up in defence. "it's your life we're risking here."

"are you sure?" luke asked harry seriously.
harry gulped but nodded in response. luke turned to lydia and johnny who were waiting for instructions.

"okay. johnny, dia, i need you two to join daniel and deaken as fast as you can. i'm talking 'every second counts' okay? harry is not trained for this kind of stuff and he has learned how to handle a gun just a few hours ago. i doubt he knows how to talk to these people, so please hurry." the two adressed nodded and then walked the same way dan and deaken had went just ten minutes before.

"do you have any idea what you're going to say to pass time?" luke asked harry who shrugged and replied "i'm just going to freestyle."

"freestyle?" louis scoffed chuckling, "it's not a rap battle y'know"

"louis, go with him." luke instructed.

"what?" "why el?" both men whined. luke gave both of them a look and then told louis "just do it. protect him and whatever he says, you try to ignore it. focus on the hostages and help to cover up dan, johnny, lydia and deaken. the later they notice, the better."

louis sighed but gave in. he and harry walked out the car, now leaving only luke and klyde behind. the spanish smiled and told them "good luck." giving them a thumbs up.

"thank you." harry whispered. he felt like he could need all the luck in the world right now. his heart was beating like crazy and he felt like crying and pissing himself at the same time.

"calm down, jesus fucking christ!" louis whisper-shouted.

"sorry but in case you haven't noticed i'm kind of risking my life right now. people tend to be nervous while doing so." harry whispered back. he had to admire louis' nerve to be annoying even right now.

"i don't get why you wouldn't just exchange yourself anyway. like your friends are more likely to survive then, maybe we could save you too." louis said.

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