Ladybug: You're right Kagami, let's do it.

Ladybug and Ryuko looked around looking for Hawn Moth.

Ryuko: Look.

Ladybug turned to where Ryuko pointed and saw Chloe and the others controlled by Chloe, Ladybug and Ryuko looked up and saw Hawn Moth and Mayura and a giant butterfly trying to destroy the guardian's shield.

Ryuko: You're right Marinette, Master Fu is in danger right now, they found Master Fu and the Miraculous box, this is a disaster.

Ladybug: Oh no it's all my fault, I was too careless to put him in danger all my fault.

Ryuko: Hey Marinette it's important that we save Master Fu first and destroy the monster before it destroys the shield, we need you to do that now, so forget about that okay.

Ladybug: Okay.

Ladybug hugs Ryuko.

Ladybug: Thank you Kagami, thank you for always being by my side.

Ryuko was surprised by the hug but hugged back.

Ryuko: Always ready to be by your side at any time.

After hugging Ladybug for a while, she stopped hugging Ryuko.

Ladybug: Now first we have to get rid of those possessed by the Miracle Queen, then we can defeat Hawk Moth, Mayura and that monster, but first we have to deal with that wasp, if they are If we get burned by them, Hawk Moth wins.

Ryuko: This could be an easy plan, let's just do it.

Ladybug and Ryuko climbed out of their hiding place.

After they removed their underwater form, Ryuko used her wind power to create a wind shield around them that repelled the bees and the Miracle Queen except for their controlled friends.

Hawk Moth: No matter how hard you try, we will win only because those controlled by the Miracle Queens will defeat you, in a few minutes, the old guardian weakens and causes the shield to break then I'll make him tell you your list, it's all your fault Ladybug, she's already harmed you all.

Master Fu: Don't listen to what he says it's just distracting.

Master Fu: I chose you two for a reason, let's get together.

This is made for Ladybug and Ryuko has more motivation to defeat Hawk Moth.

Ryuko: Ladybug and I have never fought, but we will fight together.

Ladybug: This will be the end of your reign Hawk Moth.

Hawk Moth: You guys are a bunch of idiots.

Hawk Moth: It's time to act Queen.

The Miracle Queen was bored with their conversation.

Miracle Queen: Go forth my army.

All those controlled by the Miracle Queen were ready to fight.

Ladybug: Viperion is the most dangerous one we have to take him down first, be careful Ryuko.

Ryuko: It's clear.

Ladybug took the yoyo and fought the others to let Ryuko take out her sword and run straight to Viperion.

Ryuko ran straight to Viperion and kicked him in the stomach trying to steal Miraculous snake.

Viperion: Second chance.

Everything starts again Ryuko runs to try to kick Viperion but grabs Ryuko's leg and knocks it to the ground but Ryuko hits Viperion with his sword causing him to fly away and Ryuko tries to steal Miraculous snake.

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