(10/12) Chapter 20 - Glowing In Grimm's Grievances

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"Only... together? Just what in the world is going on?!"

"Of course you wouldn't understand. After all, you are an arrogant prince who only sees what he wants to see."

"Stop calling me arrogant!"

"You're calling yourself arrogant. After all, I am you."

"No! You... No, I am..."

The prince kept muttering silently under his breath, trying to find the right words to express his thoughts.

The Black Knight wouldn't have any of it anymore and decided to end this pathetic spectacle.

"Do you know why you deny my existence?"


"It's very simple. Of course, your arrogance was the cause, but there is another, truer reason."

The Black Knight swung his sword, leaving behind a deafening sound in its wake.

"You have convinced yourself you cannot change."


Shortly after our visit to the karaoke place, we went our separate ways. I went home with Mimimi as always, and after a while, arrived at my own apartment. Once I was all alone, I hurried a bit because a certain person wished to see me. They messaged me saying that they'd be waiting inside, preparing some tea for the rare occasion of our face-to-face meetup. This was quite convenient for me, since I also had to discuss several matters with that person.

Of course, it was Matsuo.

"There you are, Master Ayanokōji."

Formality, huh? So it's going to be a serious talk.

I sent a small head nod his way as I entered and seated myself on the living room's small, but comfortable sofa. 

"I see you have already prepared the tea you mentioned in your message."

"Indeed, I hope it is to your liking."

The tea was the same as always—perfect. The perfect amount of tea herbs and the perfect water temperature. It was an impeccable preparation. As expected of Matsuo.

"So then," he said and took a sip out of his own tea cup, "shall we get right to business?"

"Yes, I'd rather not waste any time."

"Haha. Indeed, time is precious. It is the only resource in this world that, once lost, can never be regained. 

And if you die, it's all gone."


"Master Ayanokōji?" Matsuo put on a warm smile, like a father would show his child. However, just this time, I sensed a sharp edge to it. This was unlike him. The wrinkles on his face that used to make one feel comfortable in approaching him, that lent him an aura of gentleness, now bore something far deeper, something far more sinister.

Just like he said, I wasn't about to waste any more time. In this silent, solemn apartment with only the two of us, where you could even hear the clock hand's movements, I planned on getting my answers.

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