(2/12) Chapter 12 - An Unavoidable Umbrage Crashing The Character

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The beautiful monster energetically chased after the innocent animal who had done no wrong.

No matter how far they went, no matter what destination they may end up at, the chase never stopped.

The fervor increased. A stomach grumbled, but not because of hunger.

Branches were broken, leaves were torn, trees were avoided and rammed into.

Neither party would give up. The consequence of the loser was obvious.

The winner would win, and write history. Only the winner would remain. Only winning counted.

Nothing else besides victory was important.

The beautiful monster didn't care what it had to do to catch the animal.

No matter what, it would win in the end.

And then, finally, its efforts paid off and it caught the innocent animal.

The consequence? Death.

The beautiful monster immediately ate the animal with no remorse.

When it finished, it spat out the remains.

But, for some reason...

it saw a gun stuck in the animal's corpse.


Once lunch break began, I was at my usual meeting spot—Sewing Room #2. But this time, two desks were pushed together, forming one big desk. Five chairs were positioned around this one desk. I guess someone looking at this situation from the outside would think we were having a business meeting of some sorts, but the topic being discussed was far less business-like than one might expect.

It went without saying that the topic of conversation was how we should help Nakamura and Takahiro, or whether we should leave them alone.

Hinami, Takei and I had initially been chatting before homeroom began, when Izumi and Mimimi joined the conversation. As time went on, we came to a consensus and agreed to meet up in Sewing Room #2 to discuss the Nakamura/Takahiro issue.

I wouldn't have expected to find myself in such circumstances, though. Who would have thought that my personal classroom, which had recently turned into Hinami's place of learning, would ever be used like this? Fate works in mysterious ways.

"Attention! Attention!" Mimimi pounded her imaginary gavel on the table. "With this, court has been opened! Let us address our first issue of the day:

The most childish person on this planet, Nakamu!"

I'd thought Mimimi would start her student council president business today, but she told me it wasn't as much work as she had thought. Also, most teachers had the day off because there was some kind of advanced training event in various subjects away from school, so the probability of someone bothering her was quite low. What a relief.

"Can you really criticize someone else for being childish?" I said.

"Bailiff, arrest this man!" she pointed at me and pressed her index finger into my cheek.

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