(6/12) Chapter 16 - Staring Sensually at Quadriceps

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The beautiful and strong monster approached the other monster.

"Where are your friends? Where are they? You have no friends?" the other monster said.


"Yes! Important! Important!"

"Why do I need friends?"

"Why? Why? Because you are nice! You need friends so you can show them how nice you are"

"That is not important."

"It is! Very important! So important!"

"There are more important things in this world."

"What are you talking about? More important than being nice? No way! I can't believe it!"

The other monster grumbled for a while.

But it let curiosity take over.

"Tell me! Please tell me! What is more important than friends?"

The beautiful and strong monster slowly opened its mouth, revealing an infinitely deep pit.

"The only important thing in this world is yourself."


"Ayanokōji-kun! Get over here, you slow hedgehog!"

"...I'm coming, you overconfident hare."

After the end of school, I remembered Mimimi saying she wanted to take me somewhere. She didn't specify what we were going to do; it was a surprise after all. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it.

"Alright, since you're here, we can go!" she said and grabbed my sleeve, pulling me forward. The grin on her face did not go unnoticed. Just what had this girl in store for me?

"Wait a second, Mimimi."

Before we could set off, I brought us to a quick stop. I pointed at the large bag Mimimi was holding in her right hand.

"Are you going to carry that all the way? It's been with you the whole day, right?"

"Hm?" She looked at the bag herself. "Ah, don't worry. I'm stronger than I look!" Mimimi said and proceeded to squeeze her bicep with her free hand.

"I'm pretty sure I could take you on in a fight~" she said in an alluring voice and looked at me with a smug grin.

What kind of "fight" did she mean?

"That's great and all," I said and proceeded to examine her bicep for myself. Mimimi looked a bit shocked but didn't retreat from my touch. "But I have an idea how to make carrying that bag even easier."

"Huh? Really? Show me your magic trick! Are you gonna pull a rabbit out of some quirky top hat?!"

"To show you my magic, I need you to put down that bag."

"Uh... Ok," she said and followed my instructions. Mimimi was confused as to what I planned on doing, but my "magic trick" would be exposed in a few seconds anyway.

"What happens now?!" She looked at me with glittering eyes.

"Here we go. Easy, right?"

"...Are you serious, Ayanokōji-kun?"

Volume 2 - Top-Tier Character Ayanokōji-kun [DISCONTINUED] [READ THE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now