(7/12) Chapter 17 - Lifelong Longing Of An Opposite

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"Myself? I am important? Really? Why do you think that?"

"Because you are the only thing that counts."

"Me? Only I count? But my friends count too! They're important to me! So important I couldn't live without them!"

"A monster like you is strong enough to live on their own."

"A... monster? Me?"

"Yes. You and I are monsters. We do not need friends. Only ourselves."


"Are you still in denial?"

"I want friends! I want friends! Monsters are bad! Monster wouldn't want friends!"

"You are right. Monsters don't want friends, and we are monsters."

"You are lying. I don't believe you! You're lying! You're lying!"

"...I guess it's useless to talk to you."


Suddenly, the strong and beautiful monster widened its gaping pit.

First, it broke the other monster's legs. Now, it could not traverse the world anymore.

Next, all arms were torn off and fed to the crows.

Without legs and arms, it could only squirm on the ground.

"Now, I'll cut your ears off," said the beautiful and strong monster.

The dimension of sound vanished.

"I will steal your sight by taking your eyes."

An age of eternal darkness set in.

The only thing left was the mind.

"Even though you cannot talk anymore, I know you don't want me to continue.

You can't answer.

You can't even move.

Are you sad? Are you lonely?

It doesn't matter.

After all, if you lose your mind, you also lose any feelings of sadness.

I will now take your mind."

At last, the other monster had been completely devoured.

There was nothing left.

The beautiful and strong monster became one whole.

And finally, it took another step forward.

It was time to embark on a new journey.

Volume 2 - Top-Tier Character Ayanokōji-kun [DISCONTINUED] [READ THE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now