(3/12) Chapter 13 - Love's Impulsive Immaturity

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Something dawned on the beautiful monster.

It didn't quite know what realization it had just made, but a change definitely occurred.

Reality distorted just a little bit more.

And then, it made another decision:

"My journey has no end! No end!"

The beautiful monster wouldn't waste any more effort.

It had played around far too much.

Now, it was time to seriously work towards its goal.

The goal to make a...

"Make what? What do I want? What do I search for?"

Confusion spread. It didn't even know what it wanted anymore.

Nevertheless, one has to stride forth, even aimlessly.

Suddenly, a big bear blocked the path

A normal person would run away from such a huge and dangerous animal.

However, the beautiful monster simply pushed the bear away with unimaginable strength.


The beautiful monster had become strong.


Have you ever been tied up?

I've certainly experienced something similar to "being tied up" in my past. However, nothing could compare to my current predicament.

After I'd... "dealt" with Izumi, Mimimi punched me in my side. Then, she took off her own tie, grabbed both of my hands and wrapped it around my wrists. As if that wasn't enough, she was now holding her victim—my hands—in her own delicate and small palms. I could feel her fingers pressing down on me. 

I guess you could call this uncomfortable, but I enjoyed the sensation of her soft skin.

"Alright, Ayanokōji-kun," she said and turned towards me. I was faced with the wrath of a normally extremely cheerful person. Scary. Very scary. "What did you want to say again?"

I looked around at the group sitting at this table. Hinami seemed to be a little freaked out, but I guess after what I had done to her, it wasn't too unexpected. Takei was simply surprised and Izumi... Well, let's just say that she took some appropriate distance from me.

After the mood returned to normal and everyone calmed down a bit, I tried to sort out my emotions into words—not that I was any good at it. What I needed to do right now was to not focus on the immediate goal, i.e. getting Nakamura back to school, but rather suggest an approach that'd achieve multiple different goals at once, with Nakamura's return only being one of them.

"Izumi." I addressed the one essential person in this room. She turned towards me, and while she still looked a bit frightened from earlier, I got the feeling she was listening attentively, like an apprentice would with their master.

For a moment, I remained introspective, groping for the perfect words. I studied her dejected face and made my decision. I was about to step into uncharted territory, completely different from Hinami's "rational" conclusions, but I felt like I had to stick with it. If I truly wanted to prove myself right to Hinami, I'd need to take this first step. I didn't come up with a concrete plan, but carefully chose my words.

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