Jen: "the GPS says we will be there in 4 hours"

Lexi: "woohoo"

Jen: "I thought you would be excited to see your family"

Lexi: "don't get me wrong, I love my family but sometimes they are so pushy. It's the first time I have ever bought a girlfriend home with me"

Jen: "so I'm the first huh"

Lexi: "oh shut up"

They both laugh

Lexi: "I have brought guys home but not girls"

Jen: "Well, I'm honored to be the first. Now, back to the topic of this drive"

Lexi: "Jen!"

She playfully shoves Jen's right arm

Jen: "love you"

Lexi: "I love you too you dork"

They both laugh and continue to talk. As they are talking, something jumps in front of the car making Jen swerve off the road. The car tumbles down the hill, landing upside down. Jen is able to undo her seatbelt and climb out of the car safely

Jen: "Lexi"

Jen rushes over to the passenger side of the car

Jen: "Lexi, Lexi"

She tries to open the car door but can't

Jen: "shit"

Jen transforms into a she-hulk and rips off the car door. She grabs Lexi and lays her on the grass

Jen: "Lexi, Lexi"

Jen checks for a pulse. Luckily, it's still there but it's weak

Jen: "don't worry. You're Safe, I will get you to a hospital. Just stay with me"

Jen notices blood running down Lexi's forehead

Jen: "that's not good"

She picks up her girlfriend and as she does, she feels something on her hands

Looking down, she sees blood

Jen: "fuck"

Jen looks at Lexi and notices blood seeping through her gray t-shirt

Jen: "this isn't good, this isn't good at all"

Hours later

Jen: "how long until she wakes up?"

Doctor: "we are unsure, it should be soon"

Jen nods and the doctor walks away. She walks back into the room and sits down in a chair next to the hospital bed

Jen: "I'm not going to leave until you wake up"

She kisses Lexi's forehead

A few hours later

Lexi: "Jen?"

Jen: "hey, how are you feeling?"

Lexi: "everything hurts especially my chest and shoulder"

Jen: "the doctor said that your seatbelt cut into your skin'

Lexi: "great"

She sighs and Jen kisses her girlfriend

Lexi: "how long do I have to stay here?"

Jen: "I'm not sure. Hopefully not long"

Lexi: "my car is totaled isn't it"

Jen: "yeah, I also kind of had to rip the door off as she hulk to get you out"

Lexi: "I don't have a car now, great"

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