30. The Christmas Spirit.

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A//N: Guys I'm posting this original chapter before the final 2 parts because I want the finale to be the last chapters.

So just forget for a second the last chapter and then remember it in the next chapter. I don't think that made sense but I hope it did.

Sorry guys it's not a team up but it's a Christmas chapter. Hopefully you like it.

I tried my best. I'm really not sure how it turned out but I tried to add as much Scott and Arya moments that I could.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. :)


It was the 25th of December 6am in the morning which means it was everyone's favorite day. It was Christmas. For the first time in a while, Arya had gotten a good night sleep and that too in her room and on a bed. It was a miracle.

She quickly got up and ran towards the door as she was about to open it she felt a gust of wind behind her making her turn around quickly.

Nothing was there.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but nevertheless let it go and ran out of her room. She quickly climbed down the stairs to see the beautiful Christmas tree that they had decorated the day before.

She smiled at how beautiful it was looking. She looked around to see no one awake yet making her groan loudly.

That startles someone making them drop a dish which made her turn around to find Flynn in the kitchen with a chefs hat on cooking. "Arya you scared me!"

"Merry Christmas!" She ran and hugged him making him vhuckle and hug her back. "Merry Christmas."

"What are you doing?" She asked him. He smiled and removed a piece of paper handing it to her. She read it. "Mccalistar secret Christmas cranberry cake."

She smiled and looked at him. ""Well it's not a secret anymore." He looked at her and then the piece of paper making his eyes widen and quickly take the paper back. "Shh.... this stays between you and me. No one else."

She smiled and motioned closing her mouth. "My lips are sealed."

"Merry Christmas!" They heard Scott's voice making them turn around. Arya smiled and went and hugged him wishing him as well.

Soon, everybody had joined them and they were all scattered around. Some were cooking and some of them were redecorating the Christmas tree and the other were playing games.

Arya was helping Flynn cook his secret recipe. After collecting all the ingredients and combining them together Flynn was finally done. "And that was the last one. Wanna taste the batter before it goes into the oven?"

"Sure." Arya took a chopstick swirling it in the batter and then tasting it. As soon as it enetered her mouth, her eyes widened as she tried to swallow it. She looked at Flynn and smiled tightly nodding and giving him a thumbs up.

He smiled and took the batter away to bake it. As soon as he left, Arya quickly took a few paper towels out and gagged out the batter.

"That did not taste right." She started drinking some water sighing. "How the hell are we going to eat that?"

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