7. Ranger Red.

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Scott, Arya and Ziggy walked through the park scouting the area to find the monsters or grinders around.

Ziggy sighed. "Okay I don't think there is any danger here."

"Ziggy. Just because we don't see it doesn't mean they aren't there." Arya told him.

Scott looked at the playground. "Like that."

They both turned to look at what he was looking at. Grinders were infront of a woman and her child.

They quickly ram over there. "Shh." The grinders looked at the three. "You'll wake the baby."

"Yeah and if you wake the baby I might just have to sing you all a sweet little lullaby." Ziggy told them.

Scott and Arya furrowed their eyebrows and looker at him confused. "And then tuck you into bed without any dessert. Or even a single goodnight kiss."

He looker to see the two giving him a questionable look. He put his hands up. "Wait wait what am I saying? That didn't even make sense. I'm really sorry um kinda new to being a power ranger I'm still working on my hero one liners."

Scott patted him. "Look Zig I told you. They're called one liners for a reason for actual heroes. When it comes to talking..." He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence grinders attacked and Arya interfered and kicked them to the ground.

Scott looked at her impressed and nodded. "Less is more."

She sighed looking at him.  "And more is worse."

"There..." Ziggy ran to the girl and her child who were surrounded by grinders. "Now did you see that? When it comes to talking boom paw Zig less is more and more is worse. That I just don't see why I can't come up with that stuff." He sat down next to her.

Arya sighed irritated. Scott smirked and looked at her. "Hey your the one who said that his bonus is talking a lot keep you entertained!"

The grinders were about to attack Ziggy. "Ziggy." They both ran towards them and kicked the grinders to the ground.

Scott saved the kid and ziggy helped the mom.

Arya continued kicking and punching the grinders. She flipped and tripple kicked the grinders to the ground.

She punched and tore apart all the Grinders. She then watched as Scott kicked the stroller to save ziggy who fell down from the play place landing on it.

The mom came down and took her kid from Scott's hand. "There you go."

"Thank you." She smiled. She left with her baby. Arya looked at Scott. "Nice kick."

He shrugged. "I try." He looked into his morpher. "Doc K we lost visual on that attack Bot."

"Stand by."

They nodded and removed their morphers.




They morphed into their respective colors.

Scott removed his morpher and contacted the others. "Flynn get the team together."

"Allright rodger that were just tidying up a bit over here."

He ended the call.

Arya looked at the two of them. "Let's go guys we've got an attack Bot to find."

They nodded.

"Locking onto attack Bot sending coordinates."

Arya looked at Scott and ziggy. "Come on we've gotta reach there before the others." She started running.

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