16. In or Out.

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They were all in the garage looking around when Dr.K came out alongside Gem and Gemma. "Ranger series operators..."

They all smiled and looked at them. "As you all know I've recently learned that my dear friends Gem and Gemma..."b Gemma smiled and Gem showed them a piece sign. "The original test operators of the ranger program Series hardware survived the destruction of the alphabet soup research facility and escaped with the gold and silver series morphers which they have been using to wage a brutal and merciless campaign against venjix in the waste land."

"We like to shoot first and…" Gem said.
"…ask questions later," Gemma finished. They started making fireworks and explosion noises making the rangers look at each other.

"Do you always finish each other's sentences?" Arya asked.

"Yes.." Gem said.

"..we do.." Gemma said.

"It's a lot of...."

"Fun." Gem finished.

Dr.K sighed and nodded looking at all of  them. "Gem and Gemma have confronted me with the possibility that in an effort to protect myself from future emotional trauma I may have treated some of you with a degree of forced human attachment perhaps even bordering on coldness."

Flynn sighed scoofing. "Bordeding on coldness You say?"

Summer shook her head. "That's ridiculous doctor." Dillon nodded. "You must be imagining it."

Dr.K shook her head. "No no I'm afraid it's true my insistence of referring to each of you hy your colors series instead of your real name is a perfect example. And so as your mentor..."

Ziggy quickly inturupts her. "Mentor? How can you be our mentor aren't we all older than you?"

"As your mentor..." She repeated gritting her teeth. "In an effort to make my feelings clear in an official capacity I have the following announcement. " She looled at Gem and Gemma who nodded encouragingly.

She walked infront of Scott. "Ranger Series Red, I greatly admire your honor, integrity, decision making ability and… unusual hair…" Scott doesn’t know whether to be flattered or weirded out. “I feel lucky to have you as the leader of my team… Scott."

"Thank you doc-" He says but is taken aback when she goes in for a hug. “Woah, wh-what are you doing?”

Arya chuckles lightly.

She lets go and goes infront of summer. "Ranger Series Yellow, as the other female in the group, I want you to know that my feelings of fondness for you are so strong they override even my base biological instincts to undermine and sabotage you in an effort to monopolize the attention of the males. Thank you… Summer."

"Sure doctor, the feeling’s mutual I think," Summer replies as she too is taken into a hug.

She walked infront of Arya. "Well as another female Ranger in the group Ranger series white. I would like to say that when I first saw you I didn't like you at all thinking you had some malfunctions going on..." Arya made a face.

"...but you proved to be a very loveable person in the team more than I can say for others. You have shown me how to not a judge a book by its cover. Thank you.... Arya."

She hugs her and Arya already expected it since she did it twice and hugged her back.

She walkes towards flynn. "Ah, Ranger Series Blue, your passion, optimism, and delightfully musical, though often incomprehensible accent are what make you the heart of the Rangers… Flynn."

"Happy to help out in…" she hugs him and he looks at the others. "…ookay."

She looker at Dillon. "And Ranger Series Black…" Dillon turns to leave, but Arya  stops him making him turn around smirking at him.

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