17. Prisoners.

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Arya stood next to Scott as they both had a VR set on as they kicked and punched the air. They were fighting each other.

Arya threw a punch and Scott couldn't dodge it in time. Scott chuckled. "Okay so we are going to play like that huh?"

He then kicked the air and in the simulation arya went onto the ground. She nodded. "Okay now that was just rude."

Arya and Scott continued kicking until Scott had one bar left and Arya had two. Arya was about to punch and be victorious but suddenly the whole thing went black and they realized someone had turned it off.

"No!" Arya groaned as she and Scott removed the vr set and looked to see that the others had entered and offed the computers. "That's so unfair I was so about to win!"

Scot scoffed shaking his head clearly disagreeing with Arya. "Uh that is so not true I clearly was going to dodge that and attack you instead."

Dr.K looked at them. "While I certainly think that it would have been entertaining to see who won I think we've got bigger problems in hand."

They walked out and Gem and Gemma pulled out the map on the screens. "Okay we still haven't found..."

"Venjix hidden palace..."

"But here are some other known targets..."

"That could lead us to the bad guys." They all looked at the screens and nodded impressed. "We want them to all go..."

"Boom! Bye bye!" They smiled. "We wanna start..."

"with this one." They enlarged the picture to see it in 3D. "It's a factory where..."

"Venjix uses human prisoners to..."

"Manufacture and build..."


"How can you two be so sure?" Scott asked them. They shrugged and looked at him. "We know because we..."

"Were prisoners there ourselves." They nodded. The others loved at them wide eyed not expecting that.

"Oh yes."

"We were forced to work..."

"Unberable hours under..."

"Unspeakably brutal conditions." They all looked at the two in sorrow feeling sorry for them.

"We want some..."

"Payback!" They did a handshake making them all look at them weirdly.

Dillon nodded looking at them. "Got to like their enthusiasm." Summer nodded. "Yeah but if there are human prisoners out there..."

"Then we've got to go look for them." Flynn finished. Arya nodded. "Yeah. I call Shotgun."

"Look I'm with you guys." Scott inturupted them. "But nobody is going anywhere until we have a plan."

Gem and Gemma looked at each other and smiled. "Um while..."

"He makes a plan..."

"We'll make some really..."

"Big lobby stuff..."

"Drop on that factory." They smiled and cheered jumping and going out. The rangers all looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"Should we stop them or...?" Aria trailed off.

Arya sat on the couch watching Dillon play the music on his compass. She sighed and closed her eyes leaning back thinking about it.

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