12. Blitz.

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Arya walker through a deserted island looking place to place not seeing anyone or anything anywhere. She looked confused as to how she got there. "Dillon! Scott!"

"Anyone!" She then saw a small opening that looked like a door. She ran towards it but suddenly the ground collapsed and she fell through it.

She looked at her surrounding and it looked like she was in some kind of lab and she saw that her whole attire was changed and she was in a white gown.

She looked ahead to see Dillon holding onto someone's hand and she ran to help him. When she couldn't hold on she looked at Dillon. "She's slipping."

"Hold on!" Grinders pulled them both off as they tried desperately to hold onto the girls hand. "No!"

The grinders pulled them off making them fall onto their knees. A bot Who had a head like a satellite dish came infront of them. "Master shall I initiate the uploads on subject d44 and d45"

Venjix turned to look at it. "Ofcourse take their memories!"

"No!" They both screamed and tried their best to free themselves off the grinders as the bot neared them both to take away their memories.

Arya got up with a gasp. She looked around to see that she was on top of dillons car hood. She breathed heavily and closed her eyes trying to get a hold of herself.

Scott came running towards her looking at her worriedly. "Hey are you okay?"

She smiled tightly and nodded. "Yeah I'm good."

Before Scott could question her further she watched as Dr.K came out with the others except for Dillon.

"Rangers I'm picking up a transmission from within the city that's designed to momentarily cause shield disruption." Arya watched as Dillon came down the stairs wearing his jacket.

"But there is another signal heading south by southwest from the sewer corridor."

Dillon stood behind as Flynn looked at Dr.K confused. "The sewer? Ofcourse what fun."

"No well the target must be the city centertral Dam. If we cut across the aqueduct we can beat it there." They all ran towards their vehicles.

"And I'll try and track the source of the energy disruption."

Arya ran to the other side of Dillon's car as she watched Summer stop Dillon. "Hey sleep well?"

"Like a baby." She moved out of the way as he entered the car. "Any dreams?"

He stopped and looked at her. "Yeah started a rock and roll band."

He got inside closing the door. She looked at Arya who just smiled at her shrugging entering the car as they drive off following the others.


They morphed.

They reached the site to see an attack Bot stood there with a bunch of grinders.

"Bring it." They attacked and fought them. Arya flipped and kicked the grinders to the ground. She punched and kicked them she then jumped on top of the shoulder of one of them and shot the ones that surrounded her and then hit the one she was on top.

Scott removed his morpher. "Dr.K have you found the source of that pulse signal yet?"

"Not yet!"

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