22. The Dome Dolls.

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Gemma and Arya stood side to side and Gem and Scott on the other side. They were looking at each other. Scott looked at them. "Wait are you guys sure?"

"Yeah run like your life is at risk." Arya told them stretching her legs.

Gem looked at the girls. "Now girls listen if we come off to fast for you guys just say the thing and we'll slow down."

Arya and Gemma looked at each other shaking their heads at the attitude that the boys had that they are faster than them.

Scott nodded in agreement. "Yeah we can you know jog and you guys can run then we'd be in the same pace."

Arya looked at him and smiled as sweetly as she could. "You know what guys? How about you worry about your own speed cause if you slow down you'd be even further than you would be with your normal speed."

"Yeah so you better try your best to keep up." Gemma told them.

They started running and Gemma and Arya ran fast. The boys looked confused and they tried running faster but it was hard to reach them. Sure they were only a couple of feet behind but they were yet behind.

They took the turns. Left. Right. Straight. Right again. They soon reached the garage and the girls came in first a couple seconds later the boys followed behind.

"What a perfect morning for a run." Gemma said.

Arya nodded. "Yeah really freshens up your day."

Scott and Gem come in slidding looking at the two of them confused. "There is no way you two beat us here."

"You guys must have taken a short cut." Gem told them.

Gemma ate a chip looking at them. Arya shook her head. "You know just because your boys doesn't mean your fast." Arya  opened the fridge and took out a water bottle drinking from it.

Tenaya was in the city destroying building and attacking innocent civilians. The rangers morphed and quickly ran towards the destruction.

They stopped when they saw tenaya and a bunch of grinders. She turned to look at them. "Perfectly predictable. Attack."

The grinders attacked them and the rangers started fighting them. Arya jumped and flipped kicking one. She used her stash and slashed the grinders onto the ground. She jumped and tripple kicked one.

"Rangers as expected I'm picking up another venjix attack Bot across the city break off transmitting coordinates."

Scott looked at the others. "Gem Gemma you stay here we're going to go after the other guys."



Scott looked at the others. "All right guys let's split."

"Right." They ran towards the other monster.

They reached just in time and she the attack Bot walking around. They ran faster towards it. "Hey you lost?"

Thy attacked it and held it in place as Ziggy and Dillon kicked the bot making it go falling onto the ground.

"Yeah nice one."

"No problem."

They looked at the attack Bot infront of them. "You'll stay down if you know what's good for you."

"Nitro blasters."

"Engine Cell activate."

"Drop this dude."

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