Ash was driving the car with Dylan in the passenger seat and I at the back.

After a few minutes of driving with some random talks and jokes, we were finally half way to the warehouse.

Suddenly Dylan got a call and he picked it up.

"Yes?", he answered.

Whatever was said on the other side made Dylan's eyes go wide, his body stiffened and he looked tensed.

"What?", he raised his voice, shocked.

"Who? When? Where?", he questioned non-stop and hung up once he got his answers.

"Ash, turn the car around. We need to go to the hospital!", he ordered in a firm tone.

Ash frowned and tensed a little and so did I but he turned the car around anyway.

If Dylan got so serious then it must definitely be about something very important.

"Why?", I asked.

"Aria is in the hospital.", Dylan answered.

"What? Why?", Ash asked, tensed.

"She is poisoned!", Dylan said, raising his voice a little.

"What the f**k!", I exclaimed loudly.

"What the hell are you talking, Dyl?", Ash asked, his voice laced with hints of panic.

"Angel?", I asked.

"She is fine and in the hospital.", Dylan answered.

"Drive fast!", he yelled at Ash.

The rest of the drive to the hospital went on with a painful silence with each of us in our own thoughts and fear.

I hope Aria will be fine.

I wonder how Angel is doing.

 After a few minutes, we reached the hospital.

We rushed into the hospital and ran towards the emergency ward the receptionist mentioned.

My heart started beating very fast with every step we took towards the emergency ward where Aria was being treated.

I just want my sister safe and sound.

The moment we were a few feet away from the ward, we spotted Angel hugging a guy and crying with her head on his chest.

Seeing her cry like that made my heart drum in my ears.

Please. Let Aria be safe.

We reached her and looking at the guy closely, I recognized him as the person from the school whom we tried to intimidate on the other day.

"Why the f**k are you here?", Dylan asked harshly and pulled Angel away from that guy.

Dylan pulled Angel up and hugged her to his chest.

The guy frowned at us and stood up.

He was going to say something but Dylan beat him to it.

Dylan broke the hug and held Angel by her shoulders.

"What happened? How is Aria now? Did the doctors say anything?", he asked with his voice laced with hints of tension, panic and fear.

Angel looked up at Dylan with tears continuously flowing down her cheeks and eyes filled with panic and pain.

She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't get a word out.

Her silence started stressing me out even more.

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